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Everything posted by DylanH

  1. DylanH

    best 3k sub

    Okay, thanks everyone that actually helped I'm looking at doing 2 15" XL's starting on an AudioQue 2200D. Again, thanks everyone that actually helped me out.
  2. DylanH

    best 3k sub

    what sub will handle 3k rms daily?
  3. DylanH

    best 3k sub

    Hey, thanks man. But for everyone else, After reading this I am planning on a single 18 and an AudioQue 2200D. Would a DC Lvl 4 XL do fine? Yes I will have the electrical to back it up. And I'll make sure its clean power
  4. DylanH

    best 3k sub

    I have a few systems under my belt and by a cheaper amp I ment like an AQ 2200D
  5. DylanH

    best 3k sub

    Sorry, I'm looking for an 18" sub that will handle 3-4k daily and still be musical. I want a very very loud ass daily driver but I want to start with a budget amp but eventually run 8k I just don't want to have to keep changing my subs and amps so I would like to buy a sub I can just keep adding power and eventually add a second and keep adding power
  6. DylanH

    DP 21" Daily?

  7. DylanH

    DP 21" Daily?

    How much power does the 20.1 put out? I know it says 1800 rms x1 at 1 ohm but then its super high priced. I would love to run full IA but unless that amps putting out like double that power I can find something better for the money. What are some USA made amps? Also are there any that are fairly cheap for like 2-3k?
  8. DylanH

    IA forum excitement.

    Can someone tell me more about the new DP 21's? How much will they be and when are they available?
  9. DylanH

    DP 21" Daily?

  10. DylanH

    DP 21" Daily?

    Incriminator audio and audioque are made in America right?
  11. DylanH

    DP 21" Daily?

    In case you guys were wonder heres what I have now and what I plan on doing Current set up Subs: 2 Alpine Type R 12s Amp: 1 Alpine mrp-m1000 amp Headunit: 1 Pioneer Head Unit Electrical:Stock Box: Custom ported box made by me! Wire: 4 gauge wire Next Set Up..still working on getting the money Subs: 21" Incriminator Audio Death Penalty Amp: AudioQue 2200D Wire: Knu 1/0 for everything Electrical: Mechman 270 and Big 3 XS D1200 will add more later Box: Ported box built by me
  12. DylanH

    DP 21" Daily?

    Okay, sounds like a plan
  13. DylanH

    DP 21" Daily?

    This thing should blow my 2 12" Type R's on an Alpine Mrp-M1000 out of the water right? What size box should I do running an AQ 2200d also what should I tune it to for a good daily that will SLAM the lows
  14. DylanH

    DP 21" Daily?

    Okay, so as long as no one has any objections I'm gonna go with the AQ 2200d
  15. DylanH

    DP 21" Daily?

    Thats why I wanted to do an AQ 2200D But now that I think about it I could just do like a Sundown 1500D for awhile then I can just add a second one and strap them together onto the 21" DP. Or will it take that power?
  16. DylanH

    DP 21" Daily?

    I kinda figured you were a bit biased lol
  17. DylanH

    DP 21" Daily?

    Okay so its down to Sundown 2500 and the Crescendo 3kwp
  18. DylanH

    DP 21" Daily?

    Bump with budget
  19. DylanH

    DP 21" Daily?

    Sorry $600
  20. DylanH

    DP 21" Daily?

  21. DylanH

    DP 21" Daily?

    Would it do good on an AudioQue 2200D? I see people running the 3000D's so I figure this is right in the middle
  22. DylanH

    DP 21" Daily?

    Well what kind of power should I run?
  23. DylanH

    DP 21" Daily?

    Ummmm, as cheap as possible to power this beast. I have a 270 amp alt and I'll get whatever batteries I need
  24. DylanH

    What sub

    Thats what I'm trying to do is get the subs I want and by keeping my current amp I will have enough money to make a couple boxes and see whats best with the subs so basically do some low power testing
  25. DylanH

    What sub

    I was wondering what subs can handle 3000 rms these are the ones I have heard of and does anyone know of prices on these? RE MT RD HW/SHW Sundown Nightshade IA Warden T3 TSNS