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Randal Johnson

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Everything posted by Randal Johnson

  1. Randal Johnson

    any car audio enthusiasts in atlanta, ga area??

    According to MapQuest, You are about 386 miles from me here in Jackson, Ms. (about 6 hrs)
  2. Randal Johnson

    DSS graphics for download

  3. Randal Johnson

    48 Studebaker and 54 Chevy Pics

    Awesome Rides
  4. Randal Johnson

    Team IAK IronMan Explorer

    Can't tell from the pic, but is this all the way up to the "B" pillar ?? As if you were constructing a solid wall ??
  5. Randal Johnson

    The B'more Bass Machine

    Nice Setup
  6. Randal Johnson


    LOL, I know brother. I was just yanking your chain man.
  7. Randal Johnson


    I wouldn't let my kids drive around in grandma's old car, let alone buy Sony X-plod drivers . LOL
  8. Randal Johnson


    When did Sony start making the XBOX One consoles ??
  9. Randal Johnson


    Yea, I'd like to have one hooked up to my entertainment system. See how well it works with my Xfinity X1 platform.
  10. Randal Johnson


    Guess if he wants one, he will do like his older brother did and get a job. Now that I think about it, I'm not sure if Devin (my oldest) has the new setup yet ??? He needs to bring his car back over so I can finish up on his car.
  11. Randal Johnson

    Who are the box builders

    His profile has North Carolina
  12. Randal Johnson


    LOL Bought him a truck this year, and put him a system in it. If anything, he's getting a new Kenwood headunit with time alignment for his birthday.
  13. Randal Johnson


    My son has a 360 and plays (what seems like) all of the time. It's hooked directly into my Cable modem. He's asking for the XBOX ONE for his birthday, but Don't think it's going to happen.
  14. Randal Johnson

    Mark working his magic

    Nice !!! I need to make me a trip your way one of these days ...
  15. Randal Johnson

    DSS Ethos Unboxing

    Dang !!! Nice Drivers
  16. Randal Johnson


  17. Randal Johnson

    Cablguy184's 1949 Ford Tudor Sedan

    Parts list for the next work weekend : Bondo / Fiberglass Resin / Primer / Laquer Thinner / Sand Paper This (for the most part) is what I need just for the top half of the car. Parts to order from Shoebox Central: Lower Front fender section - Left and Right Rocker Panel - Left and Right Lower Door Repair Kit - Left and Right There's more, but should do for now. Don't suppose anyone around here knows where I can find a few money trees to plant ???
  18. Randal Johnson

    Cablguy184's 1949 Ford Tudor Sedan

    Looks like I have me a new (old) toy to work on ... a 1949 Ford 2 Door Custom Sedan !!! I know, i'm primarily a Chevy guy, but this one I just can not resist ... These are my dad's favorite body style cars and he has always fixed them up origional ... Not me !!! It has a Flat 6 in it now that runs great, so we plan to leave the drive train stock until we get the body and interior up to par ... Just not sure yet as to go with a Ford or Chevy drive train ... guess it all depands on what I can find to fix her up with at that time ...
  19. Randal Johnson

    Kylar96- 1999 Blazer. Singer, Ampere, Fi, Xs, Seleniums

    Awesome Ride Brother !!!
  20. Randal Johnson

    New Here

  21. Randal Johnson


  22. Randal Johnson

    voice coil wattages

    Sup Brother !!! Long time no type.
  23. Randal Johnson

    voice coil wattages

    Nice mentor you have there young skywalker. But then again, Most supervisors that I work with/for don't know shit either. Thinking that's a skill set you have to have these days to be a supervisor.
  24. Randal Johnson

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    A Tornado just sat down within a mile from my house ...