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Randal Johnson

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Everything posted by Randal Johnson

  1. Randal Johnson

    Raising the stage above the dash

    Thank you Sean.
  2. Randal Johnson

    Raising the stage above the dash

    Why is it every time I post something it double post ???
  3. Randal Johnson

    Raising the stage above the dash

    Can someone please refresh my memory, but Is there factory speaker locations on the dash of that Mountaineer ???
  4. Randal Johnson

    The EVIL 6.5" Midbass

    EDIT: enough info listed on the first page of this thread. Hmm ??? may have to pick up a pair.
  5. Randal Johnson

    The EVIL 6.5" Midbass

    Am I reading this correctly ??? $52.00 each ??? Link to Specs please.
  6. Randal Johnson

    4 channel setup. HELP!

    Yes sir, I understand. Maybe he can work with them fudging numbers to make something work since he has them. Worth a try ??? My main thing with the post was on them screaming tweeters.
  7. Randal Johnson

    4 channel setup. HELP!

    The mid drivers I have no problems with. Depending on installation, should be able to play with crossover settings to make things work for your application. No as far as tweeters go, I'm with Sean, You can do MUCH better with than what you have. I couldn't actually sit and listen to the ones I've heard in the past. Good Luck
  8. Randal Johnson

    The EVIL 6.5" Midbass

    Double post.
  9. Randal Johnson

    The EVIL 6.5" Midbass

    Nice looking drivers. Wish I had a need for 6.5" drivers. I'd love to try them out.
  10. Randal Johnson

    New 12" Sub's from US Acoustics

    Nice Looking Driver
  11. Randal Johnson

    Touchscreen HU

    Double post.
  12. Randal Johnson

    Touchscreen HU

    I run the Kenwood DNX9980HD. Touch screen, use my USB drives all the time, and run the occasional CD/DVD through it in Sound Quality comps. Bout the only thing that I really need separate is in the active crossover section. Guess that all depends on your application. I think they have newer models now. Can be kinda pricey. Good luck with your search.
  13. Randal Johnson

    230 DCV Car Audio Build

    Can't understand why my phone automatically double post on this site.
  14. Randal Johnson

    230 DCV Car Audio Build

    That's Awesome
  15. Randal Johnson

    FI Q 12" enclosure for BMW X5

    Nice Enclosure
  16. Randal Johnson

    Second Battery 101

    Double post.
  17. Randal Johnson

    Second Battery 101

    You mentioned XS batteries in your post, which tells me you know something about this topic. My suggestion would be to contact them and discuss this to get an idea that will work for your application.
  18. Randal Johnson

    error message when clicking on username for profile?

    Thanks guys!
  19. Randal Johnson

    error message when clicking on username for profile?

    Is it just my phone, or is none of the time stamps posting? Can't tell when a thread was made or when someone posted. Seems like recent post are ok, but I don't know. Maybe it's a new style skin and I haven't been on here in a while. Could be this shitty phone. LOL
  20. Amplifiers need POWER. Plain and simple. Aquire enough battery power you need to run your amplifiers. THEN get the charging power you need. That alt. (I don't care how may amps it puts out) is only charging what it needs to for the battery system. The regulater will limit it's capabilities. It's most likely doing no more work than your stock alternator. Buy more battery power.
  21. Randal Johnson

    Need help with my single cab ranger console box

    Slamming bass = blow through Just a thought. Welcome to SSA.
  22. Randal Johnson

    '93 Honda Prelude

    Nice Setup
  23. Randal Johnson

    My Custom DiamondBoxx

    Looks good Drew. I'd like to hear one of those !!!