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Randal Johnson

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Everything posted by Randal Johnson

  1. Randal Johnson

    New system build. Need help!

  2. Randal Johnson

    Hello from St. Pete Florida!

    Welcome to SSA ...
  3. Randal Johnson

    Light Hairtrick with 1 18" and some Wattz!

    Awesome Bro !!!
  4. Randal Johnson

    New Demo Car

    Awesome !!! Cool Ride !!!
  5. Randal Johnson

    ZCON Prototype

  6. Randal Johnson

    Picture Tour?

    Honestly, we do, because we wouldn't sell out our other customers to make a buck. In our industry people do it every day and if you call me flashing money and wanting info and I will not give it to you, then you know you will be treated with the same respect. Our business is about making money, but there is a limit to how we do it. Most companies these days start up and go out of business in 1 to 5 years - stop and think. I'm sure you can name a handful of them. Others see the ship sinking and sell the company and start a new one, happens every day. The way to stay in business is to do things the right way. The OEM we do is based on our track record and do we get the job done, not what tools we use to complete the work. We've even lost business from a few OEM customers because we wouldn't let them come and look around, but if they can't understand a simple concept of “it's for their own good”, then they are just another start up that won't make it. Don't think OEM means we just build the product and take your money, we are a one stop shop - from marketing, pricing structure, advise, etc. We deliver way more than product we deliver the experience and knowledge to help you grow and the customer that follow our lead always stay in business – they are not customers, they are partners in our family. I usually exchange emails daily and personal cell to cell phone calls weekly to make sure we are on track and growth is happening at some level. We are the best for a reason – we eat, live, breath car audio and that passion comes out in the products. well spoken / written ...
  7. Randal Johnson

    ZCON Prototype

    Lookin Awesome Bro !!!
  8. I perfer my Linear Power PA2 ... just my suggestion ... I got a look at the DB Drive piece at the local stereo shop today, It looked Awesome, and was told it performs great. I've also seen the Audio Control piece in a few cars. They looked and performed great ... I think the info for these can ba found on their respective web sites ... again, just my suggestion ...
  9. Randal Johnson


    To SSA !!!
  10. Randal Johnson

    n00b city

  11. Randal Johnson

    Time Alignment and Me.

    You know I said the truck would stage... but I NEVER said WELL ... wtf bro ?? I would NEVER put that system in competition. 1 door out of the whole system ?? I thought you were interested in the A-pillars ... I was the first one in this thread to give my oppinion and THIS was not it ... you know that. I thought we had an understanding ?? So far I've read is adding horns under the dash ... nothing about driver positioning ... how is this going to help your stage ?? I apologise for trying to help ... best of luck to ya bro on your system ... THIS was my suggestion ... several post back at the start of this thread ... again, best of luck with your system bro ... Thanks, Randal ..........
  12. Randal Johnson

    Time Alignment and Me.

    I wasn't mentioning any names but ... I've never seen steve's truck, so I'm going by what I was told. Johnathon's truck will stage (I know who built it), he just doesn't know anything about the setup good enough to tune it, And take care of it ... Besides, this is what you said you were looking for ... Has that changed ?? Duran, I was only given suggestions bro ... I would never set my ride up that way, you know this ...
  13. Randal Johnson

    Time Alignment and Me.

    You could try to find the popular silver tahoe thats all over youtube ... That mids and highs setup can keep up with 4 18s just fine ... hint - (smd) ... You could try to find the popular blue tahoe thats all over youtube ... That mids and highs setup can keep up with 4 18s just fine ... hint - (d4s) ... I do know of a black 2500 silverado with a snug top running 16 10s (150db all day long on music) using a pair of tweeters in the As and a pair of 8s in the kicks. This setup should be able to keep up with 4 18s just fine ... No horns on any of these vehicles ... and if I remember correctly, they all stage fairly decent too ... especially the 2500 silverado ... thanks ...
  14. Randal Johnson

    Blues Production Sub's. . . . . . . Remember

    Yes sir, and thank you for the kind comments on this matter ... You have a good day ...
  15. Randal Johnson

    Blues Production Sub's. . . . . . . Remember

    So now its in our interest to provide parameters? YOU want to see them. YOU are the one stating someones opinion on how the speakers sound doesnt count for anything. We love the speakers and could care less about some lines on a piece of paper. Drop it, or call Ray and ask him for the parameters YOU are interested in. We obviously dont care enough to ask him. dude ?? I try my best to calm everyone down and your gonna get them fired up again ?? thanks alot ...
  16. Randal Johnson

    Blues Production Sub's. . . . . . . Remember

    I do not call or consider anyone a hater on this forum. To my knowledge, the only person that hates me is M5. In fact, I've comlplimented impious on several of his post. Duran knows he's gotten compliments from me several times. I enjoy posting on this forum, if I didn't, I wouldn't have wasted almost 1500 post here. We have been labled as bias, but none of us on team linear/blues work for the company. Our equipment is bought just like everyone else. We have been very friendly at shows and demos. We talked and demoed for several SSA members at world finals this year. M5, I can't give you what I don't have nor do I have acess to. I can only go by how the system performs in my personal vehicle. Ray post all the time with a lot of information on CA-F. That is where the linear/blues section is located. Please guys, check it out.
  17. Randal Johnson

    Blues Production Sub's. . . . . . . Remember

    The ones that want to know info like that already know all they got to do is email [email protected] ... Thanks guys, Randal ....
  18. Randal Johnson

    Blues Production Sub's. . . . . . . Remember

    I'm not sure on this, but I think that Linear/Blues company may be sending invitations to Mark and Aaron for a private demo session at the ces show in a couple of months ... If this happens, will that satisfy everyone ??
  19. Randal Johnson

    Time Alignment and Me.

    Yes sir, and thank you for the kind comments on this matter ... You have a good day ...
  20. Randal Johnson

    Time Alignment and Me.

    And that is an asinine statement. On axis, off axis and aiming are all very install and driver dependent. Knowing nothing about either means you cannot comment. Of course you are running poor car audio drivers that are compromised to perform (or at least they should be if not, ouch) off axis. Don't draw your conclusions from what you have... See the difference here ... If someone done this to you, how would you feel ?? Same subject ... and this was given only a suggestion ... btw, you have never heard MY (in my vehicle, not the brand) drivers, why would you make such a bold statement in this thread ???
  21. Randal Johnson

    Time Alignment and Me.

    You are certainly entitled to your opinion, so I'm not "arguing" per say, just offering a different point of view. (I like to play devils advocate) If you try to optimize the stereo for both seats in an automobile, you are necessarily going to have to make sacrifices to the sound for both seats as well. It's a trade-off, you can't have the best of both worlds. You can't optimize performance at both listening positions. On the other hand, if you optimize for a single seat you can reduce the number of sacrifices you are going to have to make to the sound at that one listening position. Sure, one of the trade-offs is that it sounds like monkey butt from the passenger seat.....but if that means better sound in the drivers seat, where most of us involved in car audio sit....than many consider that a beneficial trade-off. Good sound in two seats, or better sound in one seat. At this point, Impious made great conversation and a different experience from what I was use to in Car audio ... VERY PROFESSIONAL !!!
  22. Randal Johnson

    Time Alignment and Me.

    In keeping this on topic to the thread, simply I wouldn't bother with T/A until I changed out the drivers completely. So what you are saying here is that Drew has shitty components and needs to be replaced, And the most dedicated moderator in SSA refuses to give advice on a proper install with what the op has to work with ??? I never said that. Please read for once without emotion. The thread was about T/A, you asked what I would do in his shoes, I simply answered that I wouldn't bother with T/A. Why are you so fricking bitter? I was only trying to help out the op and things were going great, and instead of discussing the differences like Impious did. you acused me of not knowing what I was doing. I just gave suggestions, thats all. If I was wrong on anything, lets discuss it so maybe we all can learn something in stead of pointing out the stuff we don't know ...
  23. Randal Johnson

    Time Alignment and Me.

    In keeping this on topic to the thread, simply I wouldn't bother with T/A until I changed out the drivers completely. So what you are saying here is that Drew has shitty components and needs to be replaced, And the most dedicated moderator in SSA refuses to give advice on a proper install with what the op has to work with ???