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Randal Johnson

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Everything posted by Randal Johnson

  1. Randal Johnson

    Randal's 2007 Chevy Avalanche

    Small Update. Finished my A-Pillars !!! Got a little work to get back on them later. But for now, I LOVE the way the perform !!! After the holidays, hoping to get back to the doors !!! Thinking metal braces !!!
  2. Randal Johnson

    4 8s compared to a single 15.

    WOW !!! Nice Update !!!
  3. Randal Johnson

    Hello all! New member

    Welcome to SSA
  4. Randal Johnson

    New member

    Welcome to SSA. Nice Ride. Sounds like a nice Audio setup.
  5. Randal Johnson

    Wideband/Full range speaker suggestions - A Pillars

    Throw some super tweets in there. You be fine. LOL on a serious note, did you find your original problem with the right side fading out ???
  6. Randal Johnson

    Hello, everyone!

    All I do is work. I spend more time in my sleeper truck than I do in my own bed. Is what it is I guess !!!
  7. Randal Johnson

    2015 Hyundai Sonata Sport/Limited

    Awesome update !!! Trim Rings look Great !!!
  8. Randal Johnson

    Randal's 2007 Chevy Avalanche

    Thank you Sir !!!
  9. Randal Johnson

    Randal's 2007 Chevy Avalanche

    Driver backed off into a culvert with a fully loaded truck. Made for an interesting recovery. Driver had no injuries and the mixer is repairable. It should be back on the road in a couple of weeks.
  10. Randal Johnson

    Randal's 2007 Chevy Avalanche

    Ok, so when I'm just getting started good, this happens ... So here we are, ready for fiber glass. I will get back to them ASAP. I will say this, my mids playing by there lonesome is telling me that those doors need to be treated ASAP for sure !!! They are next !!!
  11. Randal Johnson

    Randal's 2007 Chevy Avalanche

    Finally, a little time for my Avalanche !!! I'd rather take an ass beating than to Fiber Glass ... LOL
  12. Class A/B 150 x6. Sounds like a very adequate amplifier for an 8”,4”, and tweet active setup !!! 2 channels, I know what you mean. Guess I’m the only old schooler that loves them ... Lol 4 channels seem to be good on the market, wish I could give yours a demo.
  13. Randal Johnson

    Randal's 2007 Chevy Avalanche

    I will start a new thread for this.
  14. Randal Johnson

    Randal's 2007 Chevy Avalanche

    Thank you Sir. I will post up a couple of pics tonight of the Cruze. Start list will be a factory integration for pre amp output, 8” drivers in the doors (active 2way), and a single 12” driver in the hatch. Not sure or set on any particular Brands at this time. Just throwing ideas around. May get started on this shortly after the new year.
  15. Randal Johnson

    Randal's 2007 Chevy Avalanche

    So now my son wants me to put everything aside and help him build a system for his 17 Chevy Cruze Hatch. I need a stiff drink.
  16. Randal Johnson

    Cell Phone suggestions

    And I’m still stuck with my old shitty company IPhone 6s.
  17. Randal Johnson

    4 channel setup. HELP!

    Nice way to revive an old thread !!!
  18. Randal Johnson

    New to the SSA Forum

    Welcome to SSA
  19. Randal Johnson

    (2) Adire Audio Brahma B Stock

    Nice Drivers !!!
  20. Randal Johnson

    Randal's 2007 Chevy Avalanche

    Thank you Sir !!!
  21. Randal Johnson

    Hello, everyone!

    Welcome to SSA
  22. Randal Johnson

    Randal's 2007 Chevy Avalanche

    LOL Gotcha. Working with a couple of mixed drinks, a measuring tape, a couple of test dummies, and some VERY well recorded music ... I have completely reset the angles of the tweeters. Both were raised up over the hump of the dash and repositioned more on Axis. Not necessarily directly to the driver, more like the driver's side tweeter to the passenger's ear and the passenger's tweeter to the driver's ear. Amazing difference !!! The stage and Image is VERY pronounce !!! Deep onto the hood and beyond the vehicle's side mirrors where everything should be !!! I had a question if raising the tweeters would create any separation between the tweets and door mid drivers, but I have not heard anything anywhere close to separation. Thank God this is not the case with my application. After the new year when I get time, Plans are to remove the A-Pillars and have them fiber glassed. Hopefully after that, I can get back to work on the doors for proper treatment. For now, I simply just don't have time to work on my Avalanche.
  23. Randal Johnson

    New member

    Welcome to SSA
  24. All this bull shit over a vehicle you haven’t bought yet. Rediculous