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Everything posted by darevrin43

  1. darevrin43

    Death Row and Death Penalty

    I am looking to upgrade subs and i have been looking into both the Death row and death penalty. Im interested in a 15 What would you compare a death penalty to?? And would it work fine in a ported box at 3.5 cu ft or 3.0. And then what does the death row compare to and does it work in a ported box at 3.5 cu ft or even 3.0. Also how do these compare against each other and can they both handle 1500 watts rms??
  2. darevrin43

    Death Row and Death Penalty

    I went with the death row 15. Im only putting 1500 watts to it and am looking for good sound quality but also get pretty loud still so i figured with that power and what im looking for the death row will be best for me. should be getting it in the next few days hopefully
  3. darevrin43

    Death Row and Death Penalty

    yea i went ahead and bought one new the other day
  4. darevrin43

    Death Row and Death Penalty

    Sweet, i really want one of these. Do you know of anyone selling either used that can be wired to 2 ohms?? I found one guy selling a pair of death rows but he wont part them out yet, they are the exact ones i want to..
  5. darevrin43

    fi bl 18

    I bought it used from a guy, he had 4 of them i bought one, he said they were fully loaded they are the newer model ones. I dont know what comes with it when saying its fully loaded
  6. darevrin43

    fi bl 18

    I have a fi bl 18 dual 2 fully loaded. Just wondering what amps u guys run on urs and can they be made to sound decent in a really well built box?
  7. darevrin43

    fi bl 18

    Yea that one seems real good. What is everyone else running?
  8. darevrin43

    2000 Dodge Dakota 4 door

    yea thats the only thing is i got to make sure the ports wont be pushed against anything
  9. darevrin43

    2000 Dodge Dakota 4 door

    I have a 2000 dodge dakota 4 door and i plan on making a ported box to take the place of my smaller seat in the back. I am hooking up 2 fi ssds on a memphis mcd1500 watt amp at 2 ohms. If anyone has a dakota which is the best box set up to go with. Im not sure if i should do subs up port up, or subs up ports off to the side or what. The box will be facing forward so the longest part will be facing from back to front. so i pretty much will do subs up forsure just not sure what to do with ports. any dakota owners have any help to give?
  10. darevrin43

    Box for 2 fi ssd 10s

    alright sweet i posted up a new thread hopefully some dakota owners can give me some tips. I appreciate ur help
  11. darevrin43

    Box for 2 fi ssd 10s

    I am planning on getting a box built localy for my two fi ssd 10s. I am going to do a ported box. Can someone give me good dimensions that would be best for these subs?
  12. darevrin43

    Box for 2 fi ssd 10s

    do i have to post a new thread to find out who has a dodge dakota? Would it be a problem if the ports faced the seats and stuff though? or do they need room
  13. darevrin43

    Box for 2 fi ssd 10s

    I pretty much have to do subs up i guess, if i put them facing to either side they will face my seats or the side door. My box will be facing forward, long distance going from back to front.
  14. darevrin43

    Box for 2 fi ssd 10s

    Oh ok sweet. Should i do subs up ports up?
  15. darevrin43

    Box for 2 fi ssd 10s

    Yea ur def right, i have only had sealed boxes that were tiny. I just hope i have the room for a ported. I just need a ported box design that will help me achieve good sound quality but also loud with the room i have in my truck
  16. darevrin43

    Box for 2 fi ssd 10s

    What about sealed with fi ssds, is there a lot of difference between that and ported, like sound difference and loudness
  17. darevrin43

    Box for 2 fi ssd 10s

    Any help?
  18. darevrin43

    wiring help

    I just bought me a memphis amp that will put out 1500 watts at 2 ohms. Is this wiring kit good? What fuse size do i need to get? Copper Clad Aluminum These rcas? Knukonceptz product detail for NEW KARMA SS 2 CHANNEL 6 METER RCA CABLE Is there anything else i need to wire it up? And what size speaker wire would i need to use?
  19. darevrin43

    wiring help

    Im going to be running 2 fi ssd 10s
  20. darevrin43

    wiring help

    alright kool and what about the speaker wire size?
  21. darevrin43

    Box for 2 fi ssd 10s

    the longest part of the box will be going forward, from back window to front window... i can actually add quite a few inches in that length really. I said 22 but i could even go up to 30. My width i put was 15 i can do 17. The height i dont wana go to high cuz i dont have an alarm and the windows are tented but people could still see the subs if they are up to high but i can do 14 at most on height
  22. darevrin43

    Box for 2 fi ssd 10s

    its a 200 dodge dakota 4 door. Im removing my smaller back seat to have room for the box. I had them behind the seat with .6 cu ft sealed boxes and that just was not working for the ssds, i mean they got loud off 350 watts in those lil boxes but its time to wake them up. Also they are 2 ohm dvc
  23. darevrin43

    Box for 2 fi ssd 10s

    oh ok well i got more room for like 2 more inches of height and 3 inches wider and prob can add a inch of length on to that
  24. darevrin43

    Box for 2 fi ssd 10s

    ok well i dono what ur saying but my subs will be facing up in my truck. So the height will be 12in, width 15, and length 22 and i wana tune to 32hz. wood is 3/4 mdf. And fi website does not have the details on the ssd right now so i dono displacement Amp is still undecided but it will prob be 1200 watts at 2 ohms when i can finally find one for for good price
  25. darevrin43

    Amp question and other questions

    sweet appreciate all the help guys