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Everything posted by Adrian_D

  1. Adrian_D

    Welcome to the IHoP

    hey guys. congrats to sean and ramos on the new jobs.
  2. Adrian_D


    time for road trip. haven't been to the mountains for almost 2 years. i miss that village. i always get sleepy after i go there. too much fresh air btw, the wood house in the first pic is my aunt's vacation house. i've got the keys
  3. Adrian_D


    comparing to mine it looks clean
  4. Adrian_D

    USAmps demo car amp's and sub's

    oops, only read usamps demo car.
  5. Adrian_D


    yup. why do you ask ?
  6. Adrian_D

    USAmps demo car amp's and sub's

    do the subs have to be something from the re lineup ?
  7. Adrian_D

    Welcome to the IHoP

    nice looking car, congrats! is it new ? what happened to the idea of buying that impreza ?
  8. Adrian_D

    mythbusters do a 161 at 16hz!!

    ah, i know what you're talking about. gonna rewatch the episode to see it better.
  9. Adrian_D

    Impedance calculation

    already have the x-over ?
  10. Adrian_D

    Impedance calculation

    It appears I am wrong then. That is not how I cam up with my answer. Thanks. I am teh ohms n00b Can you answer this question for me then? If A passive crossover is a 5th order elliptic high pass set to 4.3Khz for a 4 ohm driver, how much difference will being .4 under make? it will screw up the transient response of the gravty valve that blocks the intake part of the spaker manifold... in other words, i have no fawkin' clue.
  11. Adrian_D

    Welcome to the IHoP

  12. Adrian_D


    crowded village...
  13. Adrian_D


    i think they are...not sure though.
  14. Adrian_D

    Impedance calculation

    3 in series is 18ohms. 2 in series is 12ohms. 1/R = 1/9 + 1/6 = 10/36 R = 3.6ohms.
  15. Adrian_D

    mythbusters do a 161 at 16hz!!

    subs with blue baskets, some of them inverted, in a setup kickinaudio posted ?
  16. Adrian_D

    mythbusters do a 161 at 16hz!!

    How would you keep the engine running though? you need some sort of inertia to compress the gasses and you still have to turn the cam shaft and have spark, unless you wanted to use an F1 style injection/valve train/and ignition...which would be rather expensive. *EDIT* After rereading I get what you are saying. Similar to what Ramos suggested. Superb idea IMO. A Briggs and Statton 1cyl 12hp motor with the head remove would do the trick. Attach it's output shaft to the output shaft of the transmission. Would take some serious planning and fabrication so that it doesnt vibrate the link apart, but that is an excelent idea. seen the chit in junkyard wars. they built a pump out of 2 engines. just couldn't find the right words : take the head off. stupid dictionary. it may be illegal the way they did it, but you may just build a normal wall and the biggest woof you can fit there. also, by revving the engine the freq goes up. the only advantage i see is that you won't need to spend $$$ on amps and electrical system. just one scrap engine and one good engine. ramos, got enough cf to make a cone for the project ? I loved that show junkyard wars . Still come on on that side of the pond ? yeah, but some kind of new series. i don't like the new series. first 3 series were the best, imo
  17. Adrian_D

    The T/A

    great loking car. not a big fan of the front part though..
  18. Adrian_D

    Welcome to the IHoP

    people here are really into "home cinema setups". a one box wonder. dvd player, 6 ch amp and the speakers needed. imo cr@p. i think none of them set it up right. like front speakers in the front and chit like that. they put the speakers where they find room
  19. Adrian_D

    Welcome to the IHoP

    similar prices to what we have here...
  20. Adrian_D

    New Car, New System

    or try to find a garage. x2 on the package deals.
  21. Adrian_D

    Welcome to the IHoP

    btw, how cheap are dvd players on your side of the pond ?
  22. Adrian_D

    Welcome to the IHoP

    i got pretty scared when the car hit the ditch. i was driving... i have a cheap dvd player and i hate it. i only use it for music when the pc is off. stupid thing won't play all the mp3s if i have them arranged in folders. i have to have a rw around all the time
  23. Adrian_D

    BM install

    no pics yet
  24. Adrian_D

    Welcome to the IHoP

    None of them in my state either, take 500 miles west and your at colorado springs though. And the dorm system is still amazing, I will try to get pictures up for ya'll tommorow or somethin when we get this pucking mess cleaned up, we did construction today. i live close to the mountains. not quite ginormous, but impressive and the winter is harsh enough to get the village where my grandparents lived isolated for a few days.