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Everything posted by Adrian_D

  1. Adrian_D

    rl-i 8 for front midbass?

    sounds like a very nice idea. and use it not only for mid-bass but also sub-bass. only downside is that it's not small and not light. there aren't many doors that can handle this bugger
  2. Adrian_D

    Neeed a 10" beeefy sub!

    i'd get that oem 10. it's not got the infamous cones and the price is VERY attractive.
  3. depending on how good you can strip the paint, you could try to polish it and put a couple clear coats on it if you like the look.
  4. Adrian_D

    breaking in the new DSLR

    VERY nice pics Mike1
  5. Adrian_D

    Happy Birthday Squeak

    Happy Birthday :gift: :gift: :gift: :gift: :gift:
  6. That statement cannot be categorically made. There are a ton of excellent amps out there that are/were painted or powdercoated. Most of the US made amps in the late 80's early 90's were painted. For mass production, annodizing is easier to get consistent and cheaper. Ok, than let me rephrase my previous statement. Painting your amp can change its thermal dissipation, so make sure that you ventilate it adequately. you're not going to put 15 coats on it, so you shouldn't worry about 1-2 coats
  7. Adrian_D

    Traffic Increasing!

  8. Adrian_D

    Traffic Increasing!

    i see april 13th.
  9. Adrian_D

    Tiny RL-i8 Enclosure Question

    Mike usually recommends bigger enclosures compared to the optimal enclosures calculated by a program. go with his recommendations. .5 cf sounds good. if you don't like the sound, you can always add some fill to compensate for the small airspace.
  10. Adrian_D

    Ohms Law

    ? detail please. as far as i know, dcr is lower than the actual impedance. too bad the drawings i made for VJ dissapeared during the data loss... makes sense to me Neil. i always have hard times explaining these things
  11. Adrian_D

    My First walled system :)

    now that is going to be heavy
  12. Adrian_D

    Welcome to the IHoP

    time to watch some looney tunes and then it's off to bed bye !
  13. Adrian_D

    Welcome to the IHoP

    should've done my project this vacation. i don't think i'll ever do it
  14. Adrian_D

    Welcome to the IHoP

    i think i have a buyer for my old speakers. hopefully he'll bite. i even switched to sub amp to stereo and wired the speakers on it to show him how loud they can get
  15. Adrian_D

    Welcome to the IHoP

    leaving winamp on shuffle means late night tip always plays when dad is sleeping.
  16. Adrian_D

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Ryan2, sorry i didn't tell you earlier, but i've dropped the cx2310 idea. i think i'll try to do it right from the get-go. right as in a dcx2496 EDIT : wtf, i've written later instead of earlier...
  17. Adrian_D

    Welcome to the IHoP

    you've learned how to cook. i don't think learning how to make drinks is more difficult.
  18. Adrian_D

    The I am single again build!!

    good choice on the mids. i'm curious to see how the ca18's mix with the 27tffn.
  19. Adrian_D

    Happy Birthday Ramos

    Happy Birthday !!!
  20. Adrian_D

    RE audio sR10 **Build Log**

    Good job man !
  21. Adrian_D

    RE audio sR10 **Build Log**

    :woot: that's a good looking circle compared to your previous work
  22. i can get both for about the same price. i know the 8053 can run an active 2-way + sub. anyone know what sort of crossovers the alpine has ? which one to get ? i honestly don't have a clue as to which to choose...
  23. Adrian_D


    did you ever recover the one that "disapeared"