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Everything posted by shakes

  1. shakes

    Funny Youtube video

    Yeah, must be great to live in one of the only two states with no carry permit. At least in Wisconsin you can legally open carry with no permit. Although it's such an obscure and gray law I'd never attempt it. I've had enough problems carrying in a state where everyone knows it's legal. I've actually been arrested and had my gun confiscated even though I hadn't broken the law before.
  2. shakes

    Funny Youtube video

    He really hates me too. He knows I carry so he's usually polite in person. Funny thing is when I first met him I thought he was a nice guy regardless of his reputation and had planned to spend some money at his shop, until I said something and he took it out of context.
  3. shakes

    Funny Youtube video

    Some words were said between him and the owners of this site, it's their decision to block him. Yeah, there's a similar situation on some local forums I frequent with a guy, if someone said anything he perceived as negative about him, he'd get your number and call you, find out where you worked, call your boss, call your family members, in some cases he'd print out threads and take them to people's jobs and show them to their bosses and demand they be fired. He would also go to car shows, assemble a posse and try to start fights. It was ridiculous, granted it's even worse because he's in his 50's.
  4. shakes

    Funny Youtube video

    Yeah, from what I've read it seems like a lot of jealousy but from his videos and his posts he seems like a nice and helpful guy.
  5. shakes

    Funny Youtube video

    Whats the deal with the ***** ***** comments I always see? Is there really any reason such a large number of people seem to hate him? lol like that, I can't even type his name.
  6. shakes

    Sundown SA-8 Pre-Sale

  7. shakes

    J-Roadtatts Honda Accord Build

    Good build, that is one hell of an interesting box.
  8. Don't base your opinion on something you read, base your opinion on what you hear, put the amp on your xcon in the car and see how it sounds.
  9. I don't understand, early in this thread you were defending Hifonics and saying you like the one you have, then suddenly change your mind and start calling it junk. I don't understand. You already have it and it will power your sub sufficiently, just keep it and call it a day. In my personal experiences with Maxxsonics amps I've been extremely satisfied. They're often overrated and there's obviously better equipment on the market, but for the price they can't be beat in my opinion. Comparing a $250 amp to a $500 amp with similar power output isn't really a fair comparison.
  10. shakes

    Technical Center (Updated with Pics)

    This is great, really a strong selling point for someone like myself that couldn't design a box to save my life.
  11. shakes

    400 watts to use on ssa goodness

    Well you'd have to expect something to happen when you double the cone area.
  12. shakes

    4 12" RF Punch Z's

    Damn, I was picturing the old school punch z's in my head. The old school ones like this but without the raised dust cap.
  13. shakes

    you know your addicted to car audio when...

    I usually stay up kind of late, but I've been reading too much about car related things late into the evening. Been staying up until 6-7am or not sleeping for a week now. Now if only I could find a way to waste all this extra time on something that will make me money...
  14. shakes

    Upgraded exhaust with system?

    Straight exhaust doesn't hurt anything. Engines don't need back pressure. Yes some people will argue that it may change air/fuel mixtures and/or hurt the valves but as far as I know there isn't any real evidence of this being true. Any modern car's computer can compensate for changes such as back pressure, free flowing exhaust on a stock motor will likely give you a little extra power but not enough to make any difference.
  15. shakes

    Best Buy Drops Rockford

    x2. they were selling RF T1Ks for $700 . and the funny thing is, i know they buy them for about $200 because of a friend that works there. $500 markup on a item they paid $200 for? cmon now, thats just rediculous. I do NOT support places like Best Buy. sonic electronix ftw!!! Nothing wrong with profit, it's what makes the country work. Sonic can obviously sell stuff cheaper as they have no where near the overhead of a retail operation. I'm in sales and I mark up my product a lot more than that, granted I sell on a much smaller scale.
  16. shakes

    400 watts to use on ssa goodness

    No need to run an icon with that little power, one dcon will still be barely stretching it's legs on 400 watts.
  17. shakes


    or an addiction Yeah, I haven't had a system in many many years. I didn't really think much about it until I bought a Suburban for towing my cars. I was always seeing all the room in the back going to waste. Figured I might as well blow a bunch of money on a stereo for a truck I rarely drive.
  18. shakes


    You know you have a problem when you make your vehicle purchases based on how well it will work with your system. I'd stick with any Ford. Support the company that isn't on the government tit.
  19. shakes

    Upgraded exhaust with system?

    Exactly, it's hard to explain but putting it to the wood in a 10 second car is, in my opinion, the most fun you can have in a vehicle.
  20. shakes

    Upgraded exhaust with system?

    Proper deadening I believe would be a better phrase to use. Yes, Proper deadening. If the car is worth giving it a nice exhaust i don't think it needs a system. (IMO) but i think this only applies to muscle cars. in general stock cars with loud exhausts are just obnoxious True, my car still has an AM radio and one speaker in the center of the dash.
  21. shakes

    New Forum Default Skin :)

    Looks fancy.
  22. I may be wrong but I'm pretty sure you said you couldn't afford to have a box built yet because you spent all your money on the xcon in which your mom had to loan you money for. I used to receive SSI when I was younger but it wasn't enough money to really do a whole lot, regardless of a disability working is still an option.
  23. I've been reading and reading and I guess I haven't really seen it explained in a way that I understand 100% so I must ask. Let's say I have a dual 1 ohm sub, If I wire it in series to a pair of strapped amps each amp will be seeing a 1 ohm load right? When I wire it I simply sire in series to the 1st amp and just run the RCA to the slave amp?
  24. shakes

    Upgraded exhaust with system?

    I also think loud exhaust is annoying on the average vehicle. Or any vehicle that you'll drive a lot. I have two performance oriented cars and the one I drive the most in the summer still has relatively quiet exhaust compared to other vehicles with similar power. If the main focus of a vehicle was sound quality I'd rather have quiet exhaust, besides stock trucks with straight pipes always rap like hell and really annoy me.
  25. Thanks guys. I am now a little smarter. I don't have the amps or the sub at the moment. It's just a theoretical question to help me with planning my system. I'm still undecided on what I'm going to do. I was just considering going with one dual 1 ohm sub so I can get maximum power from the amplifiers and still be able to upgrade to a second woofer while maintaining the ability to run at 1 ohm.