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Argent Audio

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Everything posted by Argent Audio

  1. Argent Audio

    I Need A Box For a 15" IA Lethal Injection

    Well the over all height of the sub is 15.5 Inches so I guess I could make it 16 Inches tall and you would only have a half an inch on the top and bottom. Is that ok with you?
  2. Argent Audio

    Argent Audio is Now Accepting Enclosure Orders!!!

    We were born ready!!!!!
  3. We have all the tools and equipment set up so its time to get building!!! See the thread below for prices... Argent Audio Enclosure Prices - SSA Car Audio Forum
  4. Argent Audio

    I Need A Box For a 15" IA Lethal Injection

    If you could just give the the dimensions of your old box I will come up with a new design and see if that works for you. Also you mentioned it was too wide and too high, so do you have any objections to it taking up more of your trunk in terms of depth? Andrew
  5. Argent Audio

    I Need A Box For a 15" IA Lethal Injection

    What I can do is use aero ports instead of a slot port to save space and the price would not jump much at all. What dimensions where you working with so I can get a general idea. For the Lethal Injection 15 3-4 cubes is what the IA website recommends. What size were you looking for? Also an flush mount or double baffle? Each option adds only $5. Andrew
  6. Argent Audio

    IA Lethal Injection Sub Box.

    Did you want anything like flush mount or double baffle? Each option is +$5. Also every enclosure comes with Dayton Audio Gold plated terminals. Andrew
  7. Argent Audio

    IA Lethal Injection Sub Box.

    We can get you one for $170 shipped... Andrew
  8. Argent Audio

    IA Lethal Injection Sub Box.

    Did you want carpet or just bare MDF finish?
  9. Argent Audio

    IA Lethal Injection Sub Box.

    What size box were you looking for? We might be able to get you one in your price range Andrew
  10. Argent Audio

    Argent Audio Goes Shopping :)

    Since we could not find a decent lease for a CnC we decided to get some stuff to hold us over Stay tuned as tomorrow we will have the first enclosure build with these new tools
  11. Argent Audio

    Argent Audio Goes Shopping :)

    That was an average priced saw lol We are saving for a very nice CnC
  12. Argent Audio

    Customized Enclosure Plans now available

    How would the customer specify the enclosure volume?
  13. Argent Audio

    Argent Audio Enclosure Building...

    Argent Audio will also offer enclosure building... Let us know what you need and we would be more than happy to get it done for you!!!
  14. Argent Audio

    Argent Audio Enclosure Building...

    I posted a build I just did recently in a different thread. I am going another build this week so there will be more on the way...
  15. Argent Audio

    SAZ-1000D Sale Price !

    I love my SAZ-1500D, go Jacob!!!
  16. Argent Audio

    99 Yukon getting 18" BTL

    I would give it a shot, I am currently running a SAZ-1500D off stock alt, one of those batts, and the Big 3. When I have it wired down to 1 ohm I get minimal voltage drop...
  17. Argent Audio

    99 Yukon getting 18" BTL

    I would look in to getting an Odyssey 1500DT because for us GM people they have the side terminals which is nice It allows you to keep the factory connections on the side and then you can use the top posts for your system. I personally have one in my 01 Tahoe and love it!!! I would put the Odyssey up front in place of your Goldtop and do the Big 3 and see if you still need more juice... Odyssey PC1500DT Battery: BatteryMart.com
  18. Argent Audio

    From: 99 Yukon getting 18" BTL

    I would look in to getting an Odyssey 1500DT because for us GM people they have the side terminals which is nice I personally have one in my 01 Tahoe. I would put the Odyssey up front in place of your Goldtop and do the Big 3 and see if you still need more juice... Odyssey PC1500DT Battery: BatteryMart.com
  19. Argent Audio

    Enclosure Build for 10 Inch KH501 (1 Cube @ 32 Hz)

    I would have to go out in the garage and look, but my DeWalt counter sink bit broke so I had to do it this way Most countersink bits are almost as large as the screw, the exact reason behind this is not coming to me right now... These are the one I normally get, $28 and I only need the #8 one but you can only buy them in 3's. DeWalt gets you good like that http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/4108ukTNrZL._SL500_AA280_.jpg
  20. Argent Audio

    Enclosure Build for 10 Inch KH501 (1 Cube @ 32 Hz)

    I've seen some other box builders do the same thing. Why did you leave a gap and not put the part all the way to the end ? Is it stronger that way? Makes laying the carpet 1209837129083219083120983 times easier....
  21. Argent Audio

    When you can look forward to... (KH501 Series)

    Business relationship? or relationship between the drivers? Let's go with both. I chose Fi to OEM my products as their quality is second to none Some of the AA and Argent products share similarities but are also different.
  22. Argent Audio

    When you can look forward to... (KH501 Series)

    Business relationship? or relationship between the drivers?
  23. Argent Audio

    Best fasteners for high SPL builds

    A wood glue like titebond actually fuses with the wood on a molecular level as liquid nails does not... If you really want the best joint possible use the Titebond Molding and Trim Glue, it is designed for porous materials like MDF and Melamine... In terms on bonding 2 pieces of 3/4 MDF on top of each other the 3M Spray Adhesive works wonders. This is the only stuff that hospitals allow when it comes to bonding agents... http://solutions.3m.com/wps/portal/3M/en_US/Manufacturing/Industry/Product-Catalog/Online-Catalog/?PC_7_RJH9U5230GE3E02LECFTDQGLE0_nid=ZHLK56LKGWbe42G7LG3SVFgl
  24. Argent Audio

    Argent Audio Enclosure Building...

    I looked all over for some pics last night but it seems that since my photo bucket account was inactive for so long they cleaned out most of my images. I will take some pictures of the enclosures I am building this weekend though...
  25. Argent Audio

    When you can look forward to... (KH501 Series)

    Fixed. RE is a totally different company. Very true, RE is owned by US Amps now.