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Everything posted by 89jimmy22

  1. 89jimmy22

    Team SSA blazer at SBN

    All vids an numbers were on two 3ks an 7 batts didn't have my alt going it did a 153.5 at 35hz at the end of 30sec sealed an that was at the end of the second day of demoing the shit out of it, i will update with real numbers when i get a few things worked out.
  2. 89jimmy22

    Team SSA blazer at SBN

  3. 89jimmy22

    Team SSA blazer at SBN

    thanks guys it peaks around 35
  4. before sbn ill have 4 3ks on 16v i cant wait for that
  5. yea was a good bit louder i have all stock electrical in the blazer an the geo runs 16v.
  6. 89jimmy22

    Blazer/ S-10 Builds.

  7. 89jimmy22

    Blazer/ S-10 Builds.

  8. 89jimmy22

    Blazer/ S-10 Builds.

  9. im not sure what camera it was all i know about it is what he says about it on the the youtube comments..let me know when ur gonna add them pics i have a few more good ones
  10. not sure about cam an that number was in the port at 25hz
  11. more power just before sbn is the plan.