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Everything posted by hoss

  1. hoss

    Just for Clark

    you keep trying to pull this "look at my underwear" trick clarke, and there is no way im falling for that one again. i will pay you to remain fully clothed in other news though, im thinking about opening hoss's bad ass sewing shop. all orders except for clarke's underwear are accepted
  2. hoss

    Just for Clark

    nope. i do it all by hand man. look at the fine cross stitches, thats quality
  3. hoss

    Just for Clark

    no way man. balls to the walls. its all or none!! and speaking of janets boobs... she wasnt wearing a pasty at the half time show, the proper term is "boobie piercing". i found this out after several hours of, umm, research.
  4. hoss

    Magnum 15 prototype pics

    you had it hooked up to the crown and you didnt take any excursion porn pics??!! very nice though, me likey i got your message earlier nick, im gonna try and give a call later on tonight
  5. hoss

    Just for Clark

    too late!! how do you feel about man boobs?
  6. hoss

    Just for Clark

    jake, its spelled Clarke... you forgot the "e" also. clarke, will you be my valentine? P.S. please spare us all the details of your frolicking with 0 gauge... there are somethings we can all live without knowing
  7. hoss

    Just for Clark

    man, you changed the avatar... now clarke is going to miss the whole joke. we might have a confused californian on our hands
  8. hoss

    Just for Clark

    you and clarke dating now?
  9. hoss

    well lets see ....sealed?

    clarke... i am the best recognize foo!!
  10. hoss

    well lets see ....sealed?

    yeah, youre weird...
  11. hoss

    Mag Installs

    ill post them up for you if you dont
  12. hoss

    Mag Installs

    i will not show pictures of my install because it doesent exist yet P.S.--where are you pics clarke?? no excuses
  13. hoss

    SI Home Audio pics...

    hell yeah i make the curly fries jealous, they dont have this natural beautiful curl. i also make mangle Mrs. McCormick with my manly marinade... but that neither here nor there :boxin: .
  14. hoss

    other size subs?

    Can't wait patience grasshoper.
  15. hoss


    and here is one of the 8"s, too bad you cant see the motor of it its pretty stout.
  16. hoss


    this really gives a better idea how big the tweets are
  17. hoss


    here is a dead on shot of the tweets
  18. hoss


    the 502's are good... well, once they get finished... from what i understand, the 502's are actually going to be any custom components. they will be tailored to fit your needs and desires. me and nick are currently working on finishing my set of 502's, and so far they are awesome. edit: if i can get permission from nick then i can put some photos of them up here
  19. hoss

    Welcome to the SI forum

    everyone knows the dub sev is the ruler of all that is audio. great to see SI finally got their own forum. man, i cant wait to have my mags back in my car . by the way nick, was this any of your doing?? i like it. the plus one owns all .