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Everything posted by gcs8

  1. gcs8

    sundowns address

    ouch that sucks dude. i wish you the best of luck, sorry i cant give you the info you need though.
  2. gcs8

    Fi BL 12 help. (Vid)

    i found out that my insurance covers my equipment to day, made me happy. ask your agent.
  3. nick rocking the great CS at 4:41am, sleep much man?
  4. gcs8

    Sundown SA-15 Pre-Order

    how about two of them ~2cubes a peace on ~1600 watts?
  5. gcs8

    Fi BL 12 help. (Vid)

    ahh its a cheepo one.
  6. gcs8

    Pictures of my system

    buy a good alarm as well.
  7. gcs8

    Fi BL 12 help. (Vid)

    do me a favor and put some electrical tape on your exposed wire please. 32V at 1 ohm should be ~1050 watts. does your LOC have any settings on it? could we get a good picture of it?
  8. gcs8

    Fi BL 12 help. (Vid)

    u can do that, you can even play a song if you want the amp has its own crossovers. the other thing to look at is that the stock HU or stock amp may have its own LP and HP settings. there are some head units that turn the bass down as you turn the system up to keep the stock speakers from sounding like crap.
  9. gcs8

    Pictures of my system

    check the voltage at the amp, you can lose ~.3V from the front of the car to the back. could make all the deference.
  10. gcs8

    Bravox Audio In Stock | GROUP PRICING!

    Hard to say, i'm sure they would do just great. I would start a new thread and ask the guys who bought them already. We sold 7 sets to SSA members, so hopefully someone will help you out. where should i post for the best answer?
  11. gcs8

    Bravox Audio In Stock | GROUP PRICING!

    how would the CS60CF stack up to these? http://www.sonicelectronix.com/item_6855_Polk+Audio+MOMO+MMC6500.html
  12. gcs8

    Sundown SA-15 Pre-Order

    few questions hear. will this sub handle 2 ohms on a saz-3k daily? will it be happy in a 3.8^3ft box or do i need to go smaller? any way i could get you to add a bit more power handling? how much are recone kits?
  13. 2010 4 cylinder, and theres not a lot of extra room to work with. and if not for $400, $380?
  14. gcs8


    x2 on tejcurrent, he is a great guy.
  15. now make a direct bolt on for my Camry for 400$ lol.
  16. gcs8

    Julian's 2011 Mustang

    looking good, my car sucks a bit at 80 on the highway, but i don't have my door panels on atm or the MLV on yet. nice neat placement and workmen ship on your end tho. keep it up.
  17. gcs8

    Julian's 2011 Mustang

    http://lmgtfy.com/?q=Socks http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SOCKS ?
  18. gcs8

    Mark LaFountain's SPL Build *Vid3 p.15*

    so we have a guess at spec's. 18" cone 3" or 4" coil ~4k rms smallish looking motor so ether neo or single slug motor. same xmax as the xcon? 10" spyder?
  19. gcs8

    Julian's 2011 Mustang

    what are socks?
  20. gcs8

    Mark LaFountain's SPL Build *Vid3 p.15*

    pic's of subs on there home?
  21. gcs8

    Amp question!

    i think you mean a simi, lol. he could also try a sundown or AQ amp or give them a look if he is browsing.
  22. gcs8

    Julian's 2011 Mustang

    in for build / subed.
  23. gcs8

    question for sundownz

    i would really like to see some nice 2 way and 3 way components that perform without being ripped off for them and have a brand i love backing them, what about you guys?