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Everything posted by gcs8

  1. gcs8

    impedance fail?

    well from help forum my normal form it sounds like my coils are out of phase... if i only hook up one coil at a time it plays just fine.
  2. gcs8

    impedance fail?

    it didn't get any louder then my cell on vibrate but it does make the wires connecting the voice coils "dance". does this many any thing to any one?
  3. gcs8

    impedance fail?

    so for 1.5 ohms at 1500 watts to set the amp properly it should be set by dmm at 47.43V. tho at 1.5 ohm's its probably closer to 2000 watts then it should be 54.77 considering this is right, Voltage = sqrt( (x)Watts X (x) ohms)
  4. gcs8

    impedance fail?

    i know it takes power to make power, this is by far not my first system. i also under stand that the gain is not a vol knob. the subs i had in there before where 1.8 ohm's and so i thought .75 + .75 = 1.5 so not that far off. when it didn't sound louder then my phone on vibrate i turned the gain all the way down then slowly turned it up (tune by ear instead of with my dmm) thats when my fuse blew. i am running simi stock electrical, big 3 is done, with the gain set at ~ 1450 by the dmm it ran fine for quite some time. at my max vol 45 of 62 the voltage didn't drop below 13.1V in the back, electrical up grades are on the way as i get more money. and i do keep the sub lvl at -3db at the HU. i don't have ~150 amps to feed it but i do have enof to run it at around ~100 amps.
  5. gcs8

    impedance fail?

    well.... dmm looks like my dmm is dead, however i put the sub in my car and turned the gain up tell i could start to hear it then before it was even close to as loud as my mid's it blew the fuse that i have been using at ~1500 watts for a while.
  6. gcs8

    impedance fail?

    just that it reads .5 ohm's in series or .3 in parallel. just worries me a bit. don't think my saz-3000D is going to be happy @ .5 with my current electrical, sub probaly wouldn't like it ether.
  7. gcs8

    Sundown SA-10 Pre-Sale

    i could go for some video of that.
  8. gcs8

    ideas and thoughts.

    ok so i got my self a 3000d and am waiting on my fi q 15" D2 to come. i was wondering if i ever expand to a seconded one if i could run the 2 at .5 at around 2400 watts and not piss off the amp for daily use. other than that any tuning suggestion for the single fi Q besides don't crank the gain knob all the way up. and if u use a dmm what should it read for 1100 - 1200 watts, at the moment it says a bought 70V but that dos not sound right it would have blown my 100A fuse by now it that was true. thank you for your time.
  9. gcs8

    ideas and thoughts.

    good to know, well what should i do with just the 1 that i can afford? just turn the gain up then back off 1/8 of a turn?
  10. gcs8

    ideas and thoughts.

    I think you should get two D2's and wire the VC's in series and the speakers in parallel for a 2 ohm load on the amp, that will yield you approximately 1600 watts from the 3000D. It will help your subwoofers and amplifier last much longer. As far as your gain problem goes: Power = Voltage x Current only problem is the Q with bp power will need ~1200watts rms, and this is going in a Camry..