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Everything posted by gcs8

  1. gcs8

    SAX-1200D Pre-Order OPEN

    i want to hug you......... only with a good log and lots of amp porn tho.
  2. gcs8

    My SA-8 install

    very nice.
  3. gcs8

    2010 Camry build log.

    more updates i found a random switch that i have no idea what it does
  4. gcs8

    2010 Camry build log.

    hahahah no no i am fixing those, when i got the car last year my bro in law as a birthday present had all my equipment installed by fry's and i have been slowly fixing there crappy handie work, and they left me a nice new knife under my back seat cushion.
  5. gcs8

    2010 Camry build log.

    ty ty, those car seats are heavy.
  6. gcs8

    2010 Camry build log.

    started on the passenger side but the rain and being lazy made me stop early, hears what i got done for to day. and yeah i need to clean the car not just push the crap around.
  7. gcs8

    SAX-1200D Pre-Order OPEN

    want to see more testing on all the new amps.
  8. gcs8

    2010 Camry build log.

    cleaning out my car to marrow is going to suck.
  9. gcs8

    2010 Camry build log.

    more updates lol. so finished up my doors and started under the back seat getting ready for the LLP also ordering my wire and rca's to day.
  10. gcs8

    2010 Camry build log.

    no its ported just to min spec's after displacement, stupid trunk.
  11. gcs8

    2010 Camry build log.

    na thats not peal and seal thats second skin's SPL tiles, i have no idea what the block box is but i deadened it.
  12. gcs8

    2010 Camry build log.

    ty ty, hoping it sounds like sex to my ears.
  13. gcs8

    quick question for the saz-3000D

    i have some on other sites i will remake this thread for every one.
  14. any one know what i should set my saz-3000D for at 1.5 ohm's? or just set it for a 2 ohm load?
  15. gcs8

    quick question for the saz-3000D

    not shure what this thing is but i deadened it lol. this is all got done to day sadly. more due tomorrow.
  16. gcs8

    quick question for the saz-3000D

    Its ported with aero but its built to min box specs
  17. gcs8

    small ssd build log

  18. gcs8

    quick question for the saz-3000D

    so i picked up some Luxury Liner Pro for 20% off he he, got 4 sheets. eature=sub << sale untell to marrow at midnight i think. look forward to that. selling some stuff then i am ordering my 1/0 wire and some new rca's. i also hoping to get my door's deadened some time soon.
  19. gcs8

    I have a problem with Sundown...

    i am all ready up yo 2 sundown amps a saz-3000D and a sax-100.2. i love my amps, they are like my children..... going to stop talking now.
  20. gcs8

    quick question for the saz-3000D

    started on the rebuild thought i would post.
  21. gcs8

    Any Way To Check Warrenty?

    the saz-3000D use to be covered at .5 but people where using bad electrical with it and bowing them up but as long as you have very good electrical you should be good. maybe hope for a .667 final load that has been said to be rather safe. i got my saz-3000D for the same price ~6 months ago but i only run it at 2 ohms cuz of my crap-tastic electrical, it seems pretty happy.
  22. gcs8

    SAZ-2500D Pre-Sale OPEN

    this amp looks more beastly then my saz-3000D, i kind of want to hug that amp.
  23. gcs8

    Loudest Pair of SA-12s that I know of.

    i really like his handie work, its very nice.
  24. gcs8

    Team Sundown Russia : 153.4 / One Z v.2 12"

    the sub is a beast and props to the DIY guys that put me to shame.
  25. gcs8

    Happy Birth Day to Jacob

    happy b day.... little late, hope you enjoyed your b day + fathers day.