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Everything posted by Eldorado

  1. Eldorado

    I Love Miter Joints

    oddly enough, the hick style made more sense...lol
  2. Eldorado

    Welcome to the IHoP

    well, i just put the saw in the backyard. Thanks for the positive motivation. I also found one of dennis's old enclosures for his 8. To bad mine needs .1-3ft^3 more air space. And i'll have to invert it in that enclosure, people wont know its a type R
  3. Eldorado

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Thats the thing...he wasnt crazy at all. Infact he was very polite and let me answer thh phone instead if just rambling on. Ive had some crazy ones but this guy wasnt one of em.
  4. Eldorado

    Welcome to the IHoP

    If i feel like it i might drag the saw in the backyard and make my enclosure. prob wont happen though
  5. Eldorado

    Oh My, What's This, A Type R?

    hey, not bad, not bad at all PM sent worlds first alpine type R 8 and a flat cone to boot !
  6. Eldorado

    Oh my ! whats this ?

    heh, have the "ghost" alpine logo in the backround.
  7. Eldorado

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Well some missionary came in to my shop today selling a fundraiser booklet for Carls Jr ( hardees for you right coasters) for $5. Over $45 savings. Sadly, i didnt have but a dollar for the bus so i told him i'll have to pass. Then he asked me if i had jesus in my heart and i told him yes and he threw down the booklet and said youve just been blessed and he walked off. Twas pretty cool. P.S The sky has been cloudy all day today, looked like rain. As soon as i get off the bus to go home the sun peeks out and there isnt a cloud in teh sky...friggin eh !
  8. Eldorado

    us amps XT-1600.2

    oh my wow, i cant wait for mine to come * homer drool* Review would be nice even though im getting one anyways
  9. Eldorado

    new front soundstage

    whoops I never realized how powerful and rare your MS1000 was.
  10. Eldorado

    new front soundstage

    Dont cook them...that amp is mighty powerful
  11. Eldorado

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I just need to make some baffles and any woofer will pop right in.
  12. Eldorado

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I might get the dayton's and vifa tweeters since they are so cheap
  13. Eldorado

    Welcome to the IHoP

    The mids are at my feet tweeters at my knee's Kick panels are out, 13's dont like kick panels. I still need some components for the burb. I dunno if i still want to use my DD mids.
  14. Eldorado

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I know i can but i dont wanna P.S Is my avatar still that eye thingy or is it the o rly owl ?
  15. Eldorado

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Im not gonna do it, to much work and money. In the burb the speaker locations suck and are really far from my ear. In the accord wiring the doors is a PAIN, you have to take the running board off and then the fender.
  16. Eldorado

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Nick, one of the VC's rubs on the mid....
  17. Eldorado

    Welcome to the IHoP

    james, you shouldve bought her a box of those sick necco chalk tasting hearts.
  18. Eldorado

    Welcome to the IHoP

    i see you james
  19. Eldorado

    new front soundstage

    And these are.... ? Nice splatter guard, those things rule I have the same chairs in white, they suck.
  20. Eldorado

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Im in a pickle here... Im gettin a US Amps xterminator 1600.2 for my entasi 1100x1@4ohms. I dont have a component amp so i was thinking of going with the 1600.4 100x4@4. Or just getting a 800.2 100x2@4ohms. Price isnt really an issue since i get special privildiges
  21. Eldorado

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Stupid bus was late today. I prob waited 45min-1hr for it and i was on time
  22. What are USA mps ? hehehe
  23. Eldorado

    Welcome to the IHoP

    i dont floss, it doesnt take any gunk out so i dont do it and it makes my gums bleed up front
  24. Eldorado

    Welcome to the IHoP

    anyone else pick their nose ? I know i do
  25. Eldorado

    Welcome to the IHoP

    just about all songs are above 35hz so the 15 wouldnt do very much and the 8's would be doing all the work. Not to mention the 15 can go up to 60hz no problem