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Everything posted by gadgeteer123

  1. gadgeteer123

    15" xcon house build??

    Sorry for the wait it should be done b around 10pm central time tonight. gotta let stuff dry
  2. gadgeteer123

    15" xcon house build??

    I wish I had a table saw, my edge cuts weren't perfectly straight so I had to compensate with wood filler on the ousides and lots of latex caulk on the inside.
  3. gadgeteer123

    15" xcon house build??

    Thanks, this is my first box that I have ever built so i'd say its not bad for my first try.
  4. gadgeteer123

    15" xcon house build??

    Here are the pics so far
  5. gadgeteer123

    15" xcon house build??

    I am posting current progress pics, for you guys to look at until I get it finished, its something for me to do while i wait for the stuff to dry. they will be up in ten minutes.
  6. gadgeteer123


    Ya, stupid salesman trying to make there sales.
  7. gadgeteer123

    15" xcon house build??

    So to anyone who happens to be reading this, How well do you think this is gonna work and sound? My 5 cubic foot box tuned to 25hz. I Have the entire inside covered in rubber sealant paint with caulk along the edges, wood filler filling in all the cracks on the outside, and some overkill amount of screws and a overkill sealed port, everything is absolutely airtight. Let me know what you think. remember this is gonna be getting about 300 watts of clean power.
  8. gadgeteer123

    15" xcon house build??

    I will its almost done, I just added a rubber sealant along the entire inside on top of the caulk on the edges, for that extra seal. I will have pics up by tomorrow when its done, I am done structurally I just have to make it look nice now.
  9. So I used to have my quad stereo speaker setup for my home wired in parallel and then I was re-doing things and I always noticed it lacked any bass, so I thought it was maybe because i was creating a 12-ohm setup for my 8 ohm stereo. So I rewired it so I would be creating a 6-ohm setup which did improve my bass response. But when I did this my rear speakers got about 3-5db quieter which is good to me because they have a higher sensitivity so they tended to drown out the front anyways. But I am wondering why would my front speakers being wired in the beginning of the series setup be louder now? And if this is how it works wouldn't wiring a dual voice coil in a series cause some problems in even power distribution among the two coils?? Please don't bash me, its late and I was just brainstorming.
  10. gadgeteer123

    15" xcon house build??

    I have the final wood glue drying, so when it is all smoothed out and sanded, and it is painted I will put pics up which will probably be tomorrow afternoon.
  11. gadgeteer123

    Curiosity, to wiring things in parelell or a series

    i thought I did but i must of forgot to. Me and my bad memory.
  12. gadgeteer123

    What Crossover to get

    I have two 100watt rms Floor house speakers, they are 3-way and are 12" in size with a 4 inch midrange and a 2 inch tweeter. they are sanyo AVS 500 series, there is no info anywhere for these speakers. They sound great except at high volumes they do not have a crossover in them at all, which I think is kind of dumb on the company's part, these are good sounding ported house speakers that bump pretty good, they can get the walls rattling and there from the 90's. I would like it if anyone had any ideas to what frequency crossover I should get, as in what frequency's should i aim for, for these speakers? they can hit down to 30hz very nicely, and you can even slightly hear the notes to the song 'bass i love you by bassotronics", which i think is impressive for 90's house speakers with no crossover. So anyone have any ideas?
  13. gadgeteer123

    Where to get mdf for cheap??

    I already got some for $22 at menards.
  14. I would like to know where I can get some MDF for a temporary/test enclosure I plan to build, I don't care how cheap or low in quality it is, since this will only be a test enclosure, I live in southern wisconsin, if you know of any stores here or any online shops that are cheap let me know. This will be for my 15" xcon for a temporary sealed enclosure for now, and after I get it in its new enclosure I will use this box for future testing purposes. i did do a quick search through the forums and I got zero results, kinda weird.
  15. gadgeteer123


    Both of those amps have built in good quality crossovers, so there is no need to buy an additional one, So don't waste your money.
  16. gadgeteer123


    A decent subwoofer amp would have one built in. what are you using?
  17. gadgeteer123

    15" xcon house build??

    well I have everything sanded down, and the ports are drying in there holes. So in a couple hours I can start putting the box together.
  18. gadgeteer123

    15" xcon house build??

    ive already got it cut< free-hand jigsaw isn't very accurate, so i have a lot of sanding to do ti smooth off the edges. I wish I had a table saw.
  19. gadgeteer123

    Curiosity, to wiring things in parelell or a series

    the front are 8-ohm and the back are 4-ohm and the back ones are the ones that got quieter.
  20. gadgeteer123

    15" xcon house build??

    I'm am in the midle of drawing lines what do I do I can't cut anything until I get a response?
  21. gadgeteer123

    15" xcon house build??

    why are there 8 cuts of wood when there would only need to be 6 cuts????
  22. gadgeteer123

    Curiosity, to wiring things in parelell or a series

    my front speakers are 8-ohm, and my back speakers are 4 ohm.
  23. gadgeteer123

    15" xcon house build??

    I have my wood now, my pvc pipes and dremel tools. I will update with pics when i'm done either later tonight or tomorrow.
  24. gadgeteer123

    What Crossover to get

    I did read the article you mentioned. i'm not good with math so some of it i couldnt read but i did read 2/3rds of it
  25. gadgeteer123

    What Crossover to get

    oh those measurements, i wasn't sure if you meant as in size, or as in frequency measurement or what. sorry.. you can get pre-built crossovers, I am not looking for perfection, i'm looking for a slight improvement, and how would the size matter in a crossover?