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About freemanjc

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    South East
  1. Sounds interesting but who knows how to do this. Does an Audio shop? Dealer? I would love to try it but I have no technical skills what so ever. I'm still wondering about the .5 ohm load. How can that possibly happen? As far as the speakers everything was right but the wires going to the inside of the box. Both of the + and - was running from one side of the coils and not the pictured like the instructions. I am not sure it matters but I will have to wait and see in the morning?
  2. My gain is slightly below half way a the 10 O'clock and my Audio Control is at the is halfway and the Bass EQ is at the 9 O'clock position. I think any lower there wouldn't be any bass at all or maybe I am going def. I still have not located a Ho alternator and was told by a major HO provider that they have not made any for the 300C SRT8's or Dodge counterparts.
  3. I have the Car Battery + 400 batcap and 800 batap. My setup is JBL 85x4, SAE 1200D, 1 FIq12, Audio Control L6i all wired in 5 gauge. I have not done the big three because I am not sure what it is or where to take it to have it done. Could you tell me how could the ohms ever run at .5 ohms. I didn't see a diagram for that on http://www.the12volt.com. I am going outside to pull the speaker out to see if the wiring is correct. I would love to show pictures but the one I have are 2MB which can't be uploaded into my gallery. Thanks for helping me, I though there would be more assistance but oh well. R, Free
  4. Currently there is no alternator (HO) for my 300c SRT8 that is less than 700 bucks
  5. It killing my electrical system. that is the main problem I don't want to blow up my alternator. Can you provide a diagram for 4 ohm just in case I change my mind. I should have purchase an FI Q Dual 4 ohm sub. I guess You live and learn. Would cutting the impedance to 4ohms help with reducing the voltage. Can I buy another sub that is 2 ohm stable and run it that way to reduce the voltage draw. I think the RMS at 2ohms for the Sundown is 600 Watts RMS.
  6. It killing my electrical system. that is the main problem I don't want to blow up my alternator. Can you provide a diagram for 4 ohm just in case I change my mind. I should have purchase an FI Q Dual 4 ohm sub. I guess You live and learn.
  7. has not set their status

  8. has not set their status

  9. has not set their status

  10. Friends A few months ago i purchased a Sundown Amp SAE 1200D and a FIQ 12 Dual 2 Ohms. I need help in determing the massive cause of my voltage drop inmy 2006 SRT8 with a Batcap 400 and a BatCap 800. I not sure if my system is hooke dup in 1 ohm impedance or 2 ohm imedance. I know there are many experts here that can help me in just a few seconds. Attach is a picture of my amp and I have annotated where the wires are hooked up. I just need help in determining is the amp wires are in the correct locations. I specifically told the shop to set my subs up in 2 ohms but talking to everyone I think it is set up in 1 ohm impedance which I did not want. Is there anyone here that can provide me a digram on how to wire the Dual FI Q12 Sub in 2ohm impedance. I would greatly appreciate your help. I will also submit a picture laterof the wires on the sub once I get home and take it out of the box. Any help in the matter would be greatly appreiated. Well it appears that I do not know how to post a picture so help with that would be appreaiated as well. For the recors on the Sundown SAE 1200 D amp the wires are on the + & - on the inside, not the outer + & -. r, Free
  11. freemanjc

    I need an encosure for my FI Q 12"

    Bj Cool Beans, do you have an ETD or shipment date? R, Julius
  12. freemanjc

    I need an encosure for my FI Q 12"

    Briz E-mail Dylan Kirby for your box design first [email protected], then one Dylan designs your box you will purchase the design from him and he ill forward the design to BJ Fisher. BJ actually builds the box and Dylan designs the box. I am having my box built for an FI Q12 by BJ and just waiting for the final product. They will respond to your email, but understand they are really busy with building quality products, so just be patient and wait until they respond to your email. They both have always responded to my emails in a quick and short time period. R, Julius
  13. freemanjc

    Anybody Working at Pound that Sound?

    Found this in a previous thread: 'I'm in the process of packing up and moving back to Kelowna right now....... if this enclosure is being used it will turn up eventually BTW.....I'll still be available for SSA products during the move over the holidays but the enclosure builds will be on hold untill after new years....... (BIGGER SHOP) and 20 x the population to work with ' Cool, I will just have to wait until he sorts through his massive emails. Seems like he does really good work and I am looking forward to doing business with him! V/R Freeway!
  14. freemanjc

    Sundown Amp Choice

    Well it appears that there is no place on earth that has the Sundown Audio SAZ-1000D in stock! So I might pull the trigger on the Sundown Audio SAE-1200D. I think I will be fine with this amp though!
  15. freemanjc

    Subwoofer Box Venders

    Trevor is in the middle of moving, and opening a new shop. BJ is your best bet for sure. Cool, I will try to hit him up! R, Freeway! BJ?????????? Funny thing is when I go to pound that sound website I don't seem to find an order cart. I will give them a few days to respond. Both sites seem to do great work too! Who is BJ? r, Freeway The dude who is part of Fisher Customs.