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Everything posted by cobra93

  1. cobra93

    help name our puppy

    I think you already named him in the first sentence, fourth word. "Chill"
  2. cobra93

    T-line for RF T0 10"

    O.K.. I guess I should have realized that a Labyrinth is a maze, hence folded, and I had my answer. I guess I needed to have it spelled out. Thanks M5 and Impious.
  3. cobra93

    Help with e8 v2 d2

    When you tired the system sealed did you lower the infrasonic filter, or play with the high and low pass? I haven't modeled the e8, but I have to believe they will work well in half the recommended volume. It would come down to what you want out of them, what you like sound-wise. I was under the assumption that you had used the available space with the 2.4 c.f. enclosure, is this not the case? If you can maintain the 2.4c.f. a 3" x 8" x 17" port will give you ~36 hertz tuning. If you shrink to 2.1 c.f. , the same port will tune to ~39 hertz. Let us know how it works out. Try using only 3 or 2 subs in the current box, block off the other cutouts to see if you can find the volume per woofer that you prefer. Maybe these subs just aren't for you. I know this isn't what you want to hear, but I have made the same mistake in the past. I had no reference to what the "other people" thought sounds good. i hope you can get this sorted out!
  4. cobra93

    T-line for RF T0 10"

    That's not really what i meant. I'll restate for clarification. The reading I've done would suggest that a Labyrinth and a transmission line differ due to the stuffing that stops higher frequencies from making it out of the line/port and into space. Regardless of the line being folded or a round straight tube. Or, is it being stated that the two are the same with different names. I built a T-line for 1- eclipse 8808 dvc along time ago, it was large and was very good sounding. The problem was either rarefication or rectification or something like that. The driver cone would slowly suck in as if a vacuum was applied to port. I had decided that this wasn't practical in a vehicle and dropped the idea.
  5. cobra93

    T-line for RF T0 10"

    Outside of stuffing to reduce higher frequency notes/sound from the system in a transmission line. Is there a difference between a folded Labyrinth and a transmission line?
  6. cobra93

    Video Review: ZED Audio RA

    Very nice review, thanks. Have you brought the problem with the knobs to their attention, possibly exchanging the unit? Very nice stealth install, the fake radio was implemented quite well.
  7. cobra93

    Woofer arrangement

    ^^^^^^^ Are you referring to isobaric? If not disregard the below statement. If you are, then you have twice the motor, twice the power handling and net box volume is cut in half. This was most popular before higher power handling subs were available. Kind of like dvc subs.
  8. cobra93

    Help with e8 v2 d2

    When you tired the system sealed did you lower the infrasonic filter, or play with the high and low pass? I haven't modeled the e8, but I have to believe they will work well in half the recommended volume. It would come down to what you want out of them, what you like sound-wise. I was under the assumption that you had used the available space with the 2.4 c.f. enclosure, is this not the case? If you can maintain the 2.4c.f. a 3" x 8" x 17" port will give you ~36 hertz tuning. If you shrink to 2.1 c.f. , the same port will tune to ~39 hertz. Let us know how it works out.
  9. cobra93

    Help with e8 v2 d2

    You'll have to play around with the math on this one. You have a predetermined volume without the port, 2.4 c.f.. As soon as you add the port your net volume will be smaller, now you have to look for the tuning for this smaller net volume. Guess what, the port becomes longer to maintain the tuning and you now have less net volume to work with. The longer the port, the less net volume you have, the longer the port to maintain tuning and so on. This is like "doing things he hard way". You're working backwards at this point to salvage an existing enclosure. The math can be done, but it will take a while and you may not like the result. Is there any way to use an external port? This could be your easiest solution. Tuning a 2.4 c.f. net volume is simple math. Chasing a continuously changing net volume can be a pain in the ass. Or, on a different thought. The e8 is suited to sealed enclosure as well, correct me if I'm wrong. If so, block the port off and see if you like it. Good luck on finding a quick fix for this!
  10. cobra93

    Fi Q 10 - Not incredibly loud

    I've never heard a Q in person, but I'd like to. Have you tried firing the Q in directions? Cancellation maybe? I've had some great/loud-n-clean subs in the past and pushed them pretty hard in my opinion only to have the salesman/friend tell me I needed more power. I had a hard time believing that as much as the cone was moving, more power was the right answer. Holy crap was I wrong. It came alive and put a smile on my face when I upped the power, it sounded better/cleaner as well. As I said, I have no experience with the Q, but when NDMustang says you need more power as well as others, I'd take their advice to heart. I'd also give myself some headroom if I'm going to upgrade my amp.
  11. cobra93

    So it's not audio, but it sounds GREAT!

    I'm a mustang freak and that is one bad ass setup!! Definitely need some track vids. What rear tire is going on that?
  12. cobra93

    Aiming Kick Pods

    I've asked Mark about the airspace required to run down to 45 hertz, his answer was the smallest enclosure I could build would be fine for this goal as a midbass. As far as above 250 -300 hz. testing will be absolutely necessary.
  13. Providing the zr won't get cranky with with the ohm load it see's, set both amps output with a DMM and test tone and hook one to each coil.
  14. cobra93

    Aiming Kick Pods

    Sorry to say it ,but I think you already know the answer to this. I've picked up 4 of the anarchy woofers for a future build, new car. Post your thoughts on the when you start messing with them, there's not allot of info. to be found in a search. I was surprised to see how much smaller the surround is compared to my 6-1/2" sls, considering the anarchy has more linear excursion. I've modeled them both, they graph the same, as far as strictly a midbass. Time to do work!
  15. That isn't a very good pic of the plug, but it does look very similar to a 3 pin fan connector plug for a pc fan. It couldn't hurt to compare the two, if it does match you could make your own cable. EDIT > My bad I scrolled down farther on the link, It's not the same plug.
  16. cobra93

    Four BTL 15 N2s, three different cutouts

    I have 3- eclipse 88120 TI subs and I found the same issue with those baskets as well. One of them requires a 3/16" larger cutout than the other two. This surprised me, but 3/8" is a huge difference. I typically check the cutout diameter by turning the woofer upside down, then use two framing squares (flat edge to flat edge, kind of like big calipers, to get a measurement) and walk them around the basket to find the cutout diameter necessary for the basket.
  17. cobra93

    the car audio experts at best buy

    Hey Shiz. You should try removing the radio stations from your radio, can you imagine how much they weigh.
  18. cobra93

    break in attempt on my car

    "The sentry project." Check out some of the videos.
  19. cobra93

    DIYcable.com/ Kevin Haskins/ Exodus audio

    I had to snag four of them for future use. I missed the last deal on them.
  20. No idea where to put this, so it's here I guess. Move if necessary. It looks as though they're eliminating the exodus subwoofer line. The anarchy midwoofer is $65.00 right now. This is what Kevin has posted on his site.
  21. cobra93

    Why just one power and ground input?

    I don't know much about how amps do what they do, but..... How big, in comparison, to 1/0 cable are the traces on the board itself? I wouldn't think they are close to that cable size. I assume what Julian stated above is the reason for this, if my assumptions are correct.
  22. cobra93

    DIYcable.com/ Kevin Haskins/ Exodus audio

    I was looking forward to the 8" version of the anarchy, oh well. Best of luck to his future endeavors. Who knows, maybe his "part time" work will offer some great future products.
  23. This was posted on a different forum and I'd like some input from some of brainiacs on this forum. It seemed to be a simple answer at first, but became more complicated the more I thought about it. I don't know if more information is needed to answer this or not. Here's the proposed question as well as a link to the thread. http://www.diymobileaudio.com/forum/general-car-audio-discussion-no-question-dumb/110780-noobish-question-but-ive-never-heard-answered-fully-sealed-vs-ib-output.html
  24. cobra93

    IA 187, hows the midbass?

    It's going to come down to what you like, after all you are paying for it and listening to it. I haven't heard either, sorry no help here. If your buddy has the experience you say he does and possibly has access to some of the subs you have you eyes on, would it be possible for him to let you here what he has available to him? It's just a thought that could give you first hand experience that may help you to make a choice. BTW. You did get the attention of some of the best members to help you with this choice, use it to your advantage!
  25. cobra93

    Sealed vs. IB and output

    You would be correct in assuming this Sir. This forum and its members are awesome!