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Everything posted by Renegadesrun

  1. Renegadesrun

    Did Someone say Speakers?

  2. Renegadesrun

    Did Someone say Speakers?

    speed reading > me.
  3. Renegadesrun

    Did Someone say Speakers?

    Well JR since i cant get an answer anywhere else via phone or post from RE, can YOU tell me when the XXX 15's ship. Keep in mind i deal both US and RE. Wont tell a soul if you want but gd'it i need those subs for my Rodeo! Cant even get a ballpark.
  4. Renegadesrun

    us amps website

  5. Renegadesrun

    Welcome to the IHoP

    :masterbates furiously:
  6. Renegadesrun

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Sig update....
  7. Renegadesrun

    Your db Numbers

    2 SSX 15's and 2 SSX 1500's, 40hz, 147.9 TL @ 12.6v. 1 15XXX, AX2000, snailshell (no tune), 145 TL @ 13.8v. As AC's dont really matter, ill just keep posting the new systems TL's as they are metered. Will let you know what 2 06' 15's inverted do off a SH1, or DDZ1....soon.
  8. Renegadesrun

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Werd. /toughguy
  9. Renegadesrun

    us amps website

    Doesnt matter. Probably easier to afford the girl before the amp anyway. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> they dont even sell the IS line anymore <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Thinks a minute...... LOL! That could be a hell of a joke if you meant it that way. Dont care bout the website personally. They never say all i need to know anyway.
  10. Renegadesrun

    us amps website

    Shameless plugging. I like it!
  11. Renegadesrun

    us amps website

    Doesnt matter. Probably easier to afford the girl before the amp anyway.
  12. Renegadesrun


    Id buy a truck to be on that Team.
  13. Renegadesrun


  14. Renegadesrun

    just joined

    Sup Andrew? Sure get around dont you.
  15. Renegadesrun


    Greatest ALL blue for under 3 bills? Kinetik 2400 2600A 1700CA
  16. Renegadesrun

    models being replaced?

    Might even do 6 TSX 12's sealed..... dunno...open to ideas tho.
  17. Renegadesrun

    models being replaced?

    Quite frankly, if the Treos werent out of stock, id be back in em. They arent doing the nickle backs anymore and are going black anodized, er w/e as per discussion with Wayne. That was what made me love em verted. Might buy 2 more SSX's and i might try 4 MX 12's or 2 XXX 15's, hell i dunno. We carry RE, Treo, and DD so i dunno wtf to buy now. :confused-all-ta-hell:
  18. Renegadesrun

    Info on the VL-200

    Thats why she didnt work in my app. Need 3oo, only was gettin 100. Time to list her! Thanks Jeremy, and if you talk to Greg before me, thank him too.
  19. Renegadesrun

    Info on the VL-200

    Get me stats for the Vl 200 please since asking over the phone and waiting for an answer will get you old, and possibly dead, long before an answer. Trying to sell the gd thing. Thanks ahead.
  20. Renegadesrun

    sad sad day

    It was in an impound lot. Theoretically, more safe than on the streets...but anyway. Its never OK to steal someones stuff regardless of where it was mounted. So stfu with the anal comments already. Still lookin for her Nate. Good luck.
  21. Renegadesrun

    Info on the VL-200

    Pics posted here. http://www.splbassx.com/forums/index.php?s...opic=7827&st=0&
  22. Renegadesrun

    Info on the VL-200

    Some results dont vary. lol
  23. Renegadesrun

    Info on the VL-200

    Coo thanks.
  24. Renegadesrun

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Where in the fork is my last post in here? :pissed:
  25. Renegadesrun

    does it work

    Top 10 best AV's EVAR.