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Everything posted by Renegadesrun

  1. Renegadesrun

    I got a new car v2

  2. Renegadesrun

    Sound Check Comp July 29th Indiana

    car/truck/suv/van classes one note wonders will be in extreme
  3. Renegadesrun

    Sound Check Comp July 29th Indiana

    Were having competition at Cici's Pizza on Saturday July 29th. 10am to 1pm = Registration & Test and Tune. 1pm - 5pm.....if it runs over, it runs over. We will be having a drawing for a opportunity to win a complete Memphis stereo system. Sign up at the shop, or the show from 10 to 1. Shop address is: Sound Check 99 Farabee Dr. Lafayette, Indiana 47909 Shop hours: 10am to 10pm Monday thru Sat. (765) 447-5802 Shop Phone (765)242-4440 Owners Cell Call for more info......
  4. Renegadesrun

    Sound Check Comp July 29th Indiana

    Yes. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ok cool i have a some friends tha have been watning to get metered <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Bring em all, happy to have ya.
  5. Renegadesrun

    Sound Check Comp July 29th Indiana

  6. Renegadesrun

    Someone say Raffle?

    Still at 500.
  7. Renegadesrun

    Sound Check Comp July 29th Indiana

    Ok....First place will get a plaque (sp?), and second and third will get a medal. All 3 positions will recieve a gift card for 30% off any brand we carry....which is more than most any shop ive ever dealt with. Cheap pizza. Chance to win a system. Should be raffling prizes for questions that will be asked throughout the show. IE...Door prizes. Local rap/R&B group will be MC'ing. Cici's has a large game room for the kids. We definetely invite you to bring them. After hours party for the "adults". Should be something for everyone! We are striving to make this as fun as possible for everyone, and something everyone can enjoy. Look forward to seeing you there!
  8. Renegadesrun

    Sound Check Comp July 29th Indiana

    Join the S.C. Crew and White Boy Car Audio at Papa Bud's for the after hours get together. (21 and over, beer, billiards, and BS.) More info to be posted.....as we come up with it.
  9. Renegadesrun

    Sound Check Comp July 29th Indiana

    Trophies for first and second, gift card for third. Not to mention the cheap pizza.
  10. Renegadesrun

    Buahahaha lookit

  11. Renegadesrun

    Sound Check Comp July 29th Indiana

    Were gonna have trophies.....and ill do an apple fritter if a forum member wins?? Tire.....make it and ill buy pizza!
  12. Renegadesrun


    We aint' uptight. Just looks like it. Its all good in the hood.
  13. Renegadesrun

    Sound Check Comp July 29th Indiana

    Do it!
  14. Renegadesrun


    I wouldnt add an HO alt without doing the electrical upgrade first. My point is the big 3 is being passed off like the cap was, as a fix. Just like an extra battery. That gets passed around like no other as well. I watch ppl tell guys dont use caps, and will tell them how their alt is getting its ass kicked by the having to charge the cap on top of all else.....then say an extra battery will help tho. wtf? My point is, its not. Its just another bandaid for an underlying problem. Noone wants to hear it because they dont want to pay the additional money to do the job right and to believe that the cheaper route will do them fine. Big 3. Good idea! Not a fix. Not useless, ....and not a fix. What was i supposed to learn? Im not the one running around telling ppl 1/0 will magically supply 70a or better. Im the one who has learn this lesson over years of trial and error. Im the one who knows just how long a stock domestic and a stock Hitachi will last. Im the one who is willing to admit, yea, that 300 dollar alt? Good idea. Tell you what, you guys recommend wtfe you want. Believe wtfe you want. Its your right. Im wasting my time.
  15. Renegadesrun


    Not on all stock systems, as not all alt are created equal.
  16. Renegadesrun

    Could someone explain this

    Sorry, but LOL. You wouldnt be the first person to ever learn that lesson. Ive done it in the past, but not in the past 5 years and...I live wire everything. Jacketed screwdrivers > u.
  17. Renegadesrun


    *Crickets.* Thats right.
  18. Renegadesrun


    Depends. Some alts are more capable because of the diodes used, but just because they "appear" to work, doesnt mean they arent getting their ass handed to them. My 175a, with 4 batts will only hold for 2 days under a 430a draw. My buddies 130a, with 2 batteries. or 4 for that matter, has never died with the same load. Not alts are created equal, and while it appears that he is doing fine, a simple hand check to the alt will tell you that his alt, turned egg fryer, is having issues. Why? Large case alts have better components and can take the abuse a while longer. Stress on the while. To anyone. Fine use physics. Show me where the Big 3 can give you the 70a per 1000w necessary to properly run the sytem and ill kiss your ass on camera and post it on Realm. Big 3 is a great idea, pre or post alt upgrade, but it isnt a "fix", period. For the last time. Alts are NOT battery chargers. They are maintainers. If your alt is 90a, its because with everything running your car needs 90a. Introduce an additional 1000w and you need another 70a (approx). Will it work, for a while. Is it correct? No. If you exceed the demand of your system (IE adding anything to the stockj load) you are already surpassing the recommended load to be placed on that alt. How much you place on it dictates how long it will live, coupled with a few other factors, of course. Point is. The very first thing to replace in a healthy system is the alt, then work your way back.....then HU, then Speaks, then sub and amps. Just because many choose to do it ass backwards doesnt make them right. Systems are ALL about the transference of power. Your vehicle requires what the stock alt makes, and doesnt really have any extra to give, i dont know how to ,make this any plainer.
  19. Renegadesrun


    If big 3 isnt a type of HO alternator. No. Why would making the flow easier, of voltage he doesnt have, help? In addition too, yes, alone, no. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ummm...laws of physcs? the wire is a resistor...its dropping voltage. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> And the drop is so much that the "Big 3" cures the need for 70a+? BS. Big 3 is the new "cap". Bunch of ppl talk smack about it like it solves the problem that only a HO alt can do. Recommending a cheaper alternative that appears to work on the surface, much like a cap, but doesnt, doesnt make anyone the hero of the day for finding a cheap alternative to a relatively expensive problem. It just makes yoyu another idiot perpetuating what amounts to a bald face lie.
  20. Renegadesrun

    Arc Audio

    Nor has my buddies, but the MD is techincally stable at the desired ohms. edit: fixed
  21. Renegadesrun

    Never ending Alt whine

  22. Renegadesrun


    x2 to everything Tire said. You need as close to 90a more as you can get. Any amp will take 1/0, just use 1/0 to 4g adapters, the there is nothing wrong with using the size wire that is suggested by the maker. My Tru, for example, is 4g per board, and makes a good deal more power than most amps that accept 1/0.
  23. Renegadesrun


    If big 3 isnt a type of HO alternator. No. Why would making the flow easier, of voltage he doesnt have, help? In addition too, yes, alone, no.
  24. Renegadesrun

    Arc Audio

    Dunno where the f that all came from. So ill type it again and add a few more words since you seem to be temporarily reading comprehension impaired. Its better to be safe than sorry. AND Safer = better than cheaper, which the ARC is, but by only 20 bucks. 20 bucks isnt worth wondering if the POS will up and fail. I agree. Art has hammers NIB for 750 on Elite. Not really a bad rpice. I was agreeing with you.
  25. Renegadesrun

    Arc Audio

    Safer is better than cheaper! ARC only hedges US by 20.