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About Renegadesrun

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  1. Renegadesrun

    rolled the vic

    lol I guess i should have thought of that.
  2. Renegadesrun

    rolled the vic

    Red x's as well. Also confused. Ford = vic. Not honduh.
  3. Renegadesrun

    starting from scratch

    I saw the comment about the ugly box....... i must say...... Loud is not necessarily pretty.
  4. Renegadesrun


    English Nazism is soooo... 2006.
  5. Renegadesrun

    Why won't ****** sponsor me when i do local comps

    Tried to clear it up, but couldnt, so i decided to attempt to head off any other attempts at "something for nothing" in the future.
  6. Simple. All anyone would have to do to receive competitor pricing is say "i do local comps". Hell if this were a way to get dealer pricing or even near it EVERYONE would say so. This kind of marketing is not in the companies best interest in any way shape or form. MSRP is where the money is at,.....period. What makes a person a decent candidate? One who actually listens to the questions he has asked. Done his homework, built 3026 different enclosures, pissed off his wife, neglected his kids, spent his college money, given up all hope of daily music, uses a product that can actually "get loud", is prepared to spend 1/4 of what he makes on traveling/admission/equipment, doesnt care how far it is away (only that the POS will make it there), quit posting daily on the net (cuz that is time missed working on getting louder).......and many other minor things sans one. Kick ass ,and take names, in the lanes, ....organized. THEN ASK. Anything other than that? Its a joke, and you, likely are one as well. So in the future, if you get turned down and you havent done 3/4, or better, than the above? Dont even bother to whine in here if you get turned down. Nothing in car audio is free, and we dont have a welfare program, so be prepared to get a job, deal, pawn your p)rn collection, or sell your silver spoon on your road to a trophy and a pat on the back.
  7. Renegadesrun

    SoundStream wont Sponsor Local Competition.

    Whole new group of friends LB? Ever think it might just be you that has issues? Didnt think so. Ill give you dealer on anything you want just to STFU. As long is it isnt any of the brands you choose that obviously dont do well in the lanes i will honor the offer. Call it a "sponsorship" if you will. Wear the Team STFU banner i will send you, ........and we have a deal. Compete anywhere you want.
  8. Renegadesrun

    Someone say Raffle?

    If you win the lottery, lmk, not much i cant find a substantial deal on.
  9. Renegadesrun

    "new" roadsters

    I drove and considered the Solstice but preferred the ride and the styling of the Z better. Neat car tho!
  10. Renegadesrun

    My new whip...

  11. Renegadesrun

    Someone say Raffle?

    I wont be home on the 1st. Soooo... The Raffle will held one week from today (next Sunday Sept 3) at approximately 8pm. Winners will be notified by email. Please do not send any more money for tickets via the US mail, as they may not get here in time, and i dont want any hard feelings. We will only be accepting money for tickets from paypal, and will do so right up to the raffle date.
  12. Renegadesrun

    Someone say Raffle?

    Woot.....almost done! Thanks for entering! 734 of 800 tickets sold
  13. Renegadesrun

    Someone say Raffle?

    i actually wish i could buy in.....wouldnt look good if i won tho.
  14. Renegadesrun

    Someone say Raffle?

    112 left to sell, then we have the one week countdown to the raffle.
  15. Renegadesrun

    I got a new car v2

    I just put new G-Forces all around, and im not going to change the stock rims anytime soon. Next up is a Supercharger. Getting it priced tomorrow.