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Everything posted by Bobby32

  1. Bobby32

    Nightshade 18'' tuning

    Well theres a big change in port length. 20.5'' to 16''
  2. Bobby32

    Nightshade 18'' tuning

    I miss calculated on my port and I am tuned to 29Hz instead of 32Hz. My box is ~5.3 cubes after displacements, I have 20.5'' of port (13.5'' in the box and 7'' out). I am going to cut the port down at the top. Will I notice an audiable change? I mostly play decafs chopped/screwed songs and I dont think they dip under 30hz, if they do its only breifly. Is 29 too low for a nightshade? Its ran off an AQ2200 @ 1 ohm
  3. - Nightshade 18'' with new aluminum pole plug with 4 spiders (2 soft, 2 hard) - Audioque 2200d @ 1 ohm - 8'' Sonotube - ~5^3 @ 32Hz After all displacements other than port displacement, I was at 5.38 cubes. I put 12.75'' of port inside and 7.85'' outside the box for a total of 20.6''. 12.75 is about the max inside the box I can fit because I want 8'' clearence from bottom of port to the bottom of box. The port is 8'' diameter and tuning is 32hz. I'm not sure if I have the correct amount of port on the outside..but I can always add on. If anyone can chime in on this, that'd help alot. This is my first own box build Had some trouble reaching all the way in there trying to put sealent in... Going to sand and rattle can it tomorrow. Thinking about doing something like the front white, and alternation white/back for the sides, back, and top peices.
  4. Beware of the middle seat. It is bolted to the two bucket seat and you have to take the whole thing out as one then disassemble. Then you have to re-install the bucket seats separately. The dimensions are all outer measurements. 58" W x 25" H x 7.5" TD x 11.5" BD Total of 6 cubes of space with the port being 4" x 10" tuned for 35 hz Mine just came off with a few bolts, but there is still a bracket sticking up a few inches. Got vids?
  5. NICE! I like a alot! I though about doing something like that with my middle seat as well. The brackets on the floor are perfect for mounting something in place. What are the dimensions on the box?
  6. haha its all good. My voltage isnt that great but it doesnt dip down too low. 13v-14v+ most of the time, I keep the gain low and dont clip it
  7. lol idk, but I got it from a guy on caraudio.com. If you sold anyone an AQ2200, its your old one
  8. Thanks man. crappy quality takes away from it though
  9. I see, ill do it asap. Videos: Had to film with my 3mp camera phone sorry bout quality, still picked up some flex. Haven't fine tuned it yet, or experimented with many songs...just know this song is loud. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQIo4BAnMAU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqPKaBpEwOM
  10. What can happen with my power wire bigger than ground? All I know is thats good to run same size wire, and same amount of runs. Yeah with all my builds in the truck, none of them liked being closed in. 1 door open works well...
  11. True...might do the grounds tomorrow if I have enough terminals.
  12. Pretty loud! Just got it all in today...did 1 of the big 3's as well, alt to battery It gets hella loud when I have driver door open. Def. doesnt like to be sealed up though. Still have to mess with tuning and all. Think my LPF and subsonic are off. Ill get a vid soon
  13. Fits pretty good, seats aren't too bad. The middle seat fits perfectly and has lots of room for the bichs. Battery fits nicely on the other side of the box, and the amp is going to be mounted on the top. Going to get some wire tomorrow maybe and hook it all up. local prices are $5 per ft. for 1/0 or $7 lol ^^ Thanks, I havent really seen any big builds other than blowthroughs for single cabs.
  14. Bobby32

    Port question

    I have 5.38 cubes after displacements other than port. My tuning is 32hz. I have an 8'' port going 12.75'' in the box, 12.75'' is my limit because I want 8'' of clearance from the bottom of port to bottom of box. Anyways, I have 12.75'' in and I have 7.8'' out of the box for a total of about 20.6'' of port. The port inside the box takes up .38 cubes so that leaves me with 5^3 inside the box after displacements. I think I have too much port length on the outside of the box, but I can still cut the port down. Any idea on what it should be?
  15. Bobby32

    Port question

  16. Sanded off the old glue best I could but it still sucked painting over it. You can see the mis-colored looking spots are from glue.
  17. Thanks guys. I got it at home depot in the concrete section, they have all types of sizes. Its actually really sturdy than it looks.
  18. Bobby32

    Port Length

    Thanks, I tried that formula but got stumped. so far this is what ive come up with.. 12.75'' in the box and that takes up .38 cubes. That leaves me with 5^3 internal volume. Based on the box calculator, I need 20.6'' port to have 32hz. So 20.6-12.7 = 7.85'' 12.75'' in and 7.85'' out?
  19. Bobby32

    Port Length

    Alright so my box is 5.38 cubes internally after the displacements besides the port. Im using a tube port thats 8'' diameter and I want to tune to 32Hz. My box only has about 20 inches of height to work with inside, so some of the port will be sticking out the top. I want at least 4 inches between the port and the bottom of the box. If anyone can help me calculate it out that'd be appreciated.
  20. Bobby32

    Port Length

    Its a sonotube cardboard type port im not sure on the material diameter but I dont think its 8.5''. I actally need 8'' clearance from the bottom of box to the bottom of port. I have 20.75'' height internally to work with and 22.50 if you could the .75'' of top peice of wood. I just need to know how much port I need to have in, and have out to have a freq. of 32hz. I've got 5.38 cubes with the sub in it sealed.
  21. I want to tune low for my nightshade 18. How big should the box be after displacements? Port area? Tuning? Thanks!
  22. Bobby32

    Nightshade 18'' displacement

    What is the displacement for an 18'' Nightshade? Couldnt find it on the site. Also, how much room behind the pole does it need to vent in the box? I was thinking a few inches is good?
  23. Bobby32

    Nightshade 18'' displacement

    Thanks. So im looking at about .5 cubic ft. displacement out of the sub?
  24. Bobby32

    Nightshade 18'' box size/tuning

    alright thanks. 4-5 cubes okay after displacements?
  25. Bobby32

    Nightshade 18'' box size/tuning

    I will have it on an AQ2200 @ 1 ohm for daily. I just want a loud daily driver, i dont do comps so I dont need to put up numbers. If someone can give me size, port area, and tuning that'd be really appreciated. Im in DFW too as well.