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Everything posted by keetykush

  1. keetykush


    That was real informative^, no need for all caps though. Check out one of the vendors on here such as Fisher Customs.
  2. keetykush

    Would Like to Order

    True, could mount to the box.... but having some space for an amp isn't too bad of an idea. I wanted to go with more power but budget didn't allow, so I'm going with a nice enclosure and my zx750.1 from one of my past setups.
  3. keetykush

    Would Like to Order

    After being to numerous shops, carrying only mainstream crap.... I looked on the net, and seen some great work from Audible Customs. I would love to catch a deal on a enclosure and sub-woofer combo, its been easy finding subs but its been a little harder with enclosures. So how about showing some southern hospitality and help a fellow southerner out. I'm also from Louisiana and defiantly wouldn't mind supporting you guys, looks like yall put a lot of time and care into the work yall put out. I'm more geared toward something more SPL orientated, but after hearing so much good things about the XCON, I wouldn't mind giving that a try also. Give me some pricing info.. or some contact info.
  4. keetykush

    Would Like to Order

    Sent them an e-mail, kinda just in a rush to get everything in the new car. I listen to mostly rap.... love me some low's... so I'm thinking tuning at 32hz. I need it to fit an 09 Charger SXT's trunk... and I'm not concerned with leaving much space for anything other than the box, but I want to make sure that it will fit.
  5. keetykush

    Audioque hdc3 woofers?

    Wasn't really confused, but yeah I understand. Ordered something from yall today, I am supportive of SSA.
  6. keetykush

    Audioque hdc3 woofers?

    When you have a business, and a customer is brought into "the business environment" you want them to feel as comfortable as possible. You want the person to be comfortable. I like the site a lot, having an experience with someone I feel is having an attitude towards me leaves me feeling uncomfortable. When being left feeling uncomfortable,one doesn't always feel that they will come to back to give business or support to the business, in this case a forum. The site has a store and also has several advertisements for other sites, but we all know that. The the thing is, when a "respected" member behind the team comes out with an attitude... I get the same impression if an ass on a used car lot comes out trying to screw me, I'm not giving that place my business. Its the same concept here, so one member can reflect the whole site(which I do love). I myself apologize if I did anything "wrong ", I ask what I did in order to learn from my mistake but am still left with unclear answers. Mentioning I need to "listen", and "learn"... not telling me really anything, I didn't do nothing bad as far as I know ( if questioning someone is bad, I guess I deserved a ban then). I like this site, I do listen to the advice of others, and learn from it as well.
  7. SecondSkin Tough Skin SecondSkin BlazeBlock or SecondSkin BlazeBarrier SeccondSkin HeatHalt
  8. keetykush

    lvl 4's vs BL's?

    Picking solely on xmax, would be a stupid decision... but I do love me some excursion, and I look at it as a plus.I look at my warn status, and you talk about me being a douche and you don't like my attitude, when you come off with an attitude on countless post... you told me to post nice or not post at all... shit you never come off as "nice" and from the looks of things you are the one that comes off as a "douche".
  9. keetykush

    Audioque hdc3 woofers?

    Why did this post get a -1, saying its goes to the AQ specs isn't telling nothing but what it could have been tuned to, not really telling me any specifics.
  10. keetykush

    lvl 4's vs BL's?

    When it comes to reading specs, they really aren't basically the same so a coin toss wouldn't solve much, I would I go with the DC Level 4 for its higher excursion capability, and they get nice and low. Looking at their site.. DC'S... I would be worried about some copyright infringement or something a long those lines since their logo looks a lot... a lot... like DC Shoe Company's but that really doesn't have anything to do with you.
  11. keetykush

    is a Fi Q 18 right for me?

    He cant fit an 18" in his trunk. Well whatever he can fit, still wouldn't dismiss the q.
  12. keetykush

    is a Fi Q 18 right for me?

    The Q can get plenty loud, dependent on the install. Coming from your two cvr's I think you would still be left in awe from the 18" in the right enclosure, great on all kinds of music. I wouldn't take the Q out as an option. Give the SSD a look too.
  13. keetykush

    Audioque hdc3 woofers?

    I didn't ask for his opinion, I asked for information regarding the specs of the box and the frequency it was tuned at. I did not get that question answered, I would like to know this to get a better idea of what exactly left him with his opinion. Because just saying its a "fart box" isn't getting me no where. I would like to know the size of the woofer, and the specs of the box.. just saying it was the AQ specs isn't telling me nothing much... like how many cubes exactly. Then you said the box, the word box is not plural, so if you making your opinion off one box in one install, I think maybe you should try listening to one in a different box or another install.
  14. keetykush

    bls or xxx

    Is it not obvious, as you said the bls are much cheaper, and the XXX is much more.. so yes you would be making profit. Common sense, sorry.
  15. keetykush

    Ebay Enclosures

    Ok, good idea... need to find my account info, anyone ever had any decent experience or finds, with enclosures on ebay?
  16. keetykush

    Ebay Enclosures

    Bump, opinions on port area?
  17. keetykush

    Audioque hdc3 woofers?

    You talk about noobs not being well spoken, when you use the childish term "boner" to describe something, that's childish. Could you tell me what were the specs of the box and the frequency that is was tuned at, that left you thinking its shit.
  18. keetykush

    Audioque hdc3 woofers?

    Hate to say it, but he comes of as a dick... that's what I've picked up from his post. He made this site seem very unwelcoming to me, making it as a whole look bad. I would like to hear about his particular experiences with subwoofer, what has he heard specifically that has been so bad about it. I would also like to know the specs of the box and the frequency that left you with such a a horrible opinion on the subwoofer.
  19. keetykush

    kicker cvx or aq hdc3

    Why exactly do you favor KIcker, over Audioque?
  20. keetykush

    Ebay Enclosures

    Port looking kind of sketchy, would like to use ebay for the priices but do not want to buy some shit lacking port area.
  21. keetykush

    what numbers yall putting up with yall xcons?

    That thread seemed to go misguided and went more towards suggestions.... this thread is geared more towards numbers...this thread isn't hurting anyone.
  22. keetykush

    kicker cvx or alpine type r

    I am doubtful... but I guess it could handle twice the recommended RMS.
  23. keetykush

    kicker cvx or alpine type r

    I don't really know if the CVX will be able to handle the power from the sundown daily.
  24. keetykush

    audioque sdc2.5 15 vs sundown z15

    Four Sundowns .
  25. keetykush

    12's or 10's

    That picture was mad shitty. Sorry... I'm sure hes referencing others... keep it calm.