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Everything posted by keetykush

  1. keetykush

    4 new sa-15 fs/ft

    Sundown can do the same and sound a lot better at doing it as well. You should look into the nightshades. Numbers aren't everything.
  2. keetykush

    Hole In Enclosure

    In my enclosure when the guy made it, they put a hole for the wires and just put the wires in a put a little tack to seal it up. How much of an effect would this have all together and should I take further precautions to fix this? When I was using the box it didn't sound bad personally, but thats completely subjective.
  3. keetykush

    Hole In Enclosure

    Alright, well thats a relief.
  4. keetykush

    square sub vs roudn sub?

    Ok captain douche bag, like you can't comprehend what he's trying to say?Not that its well put or anything.
  5. keetykush

    Another "ported or sealed" thread.

    Well its too late he ordered a q.
  6. keetykush

    Hearing Lost

    Any of you ever worry about destroying your hearing in the long run?
  7. keetykush

    AudioQue Comps???

    Never had them, but I'm sure you can spend you money better.
  8. keetykush

    RE Audio SEX12D2

    Its not like companies overseas can't make a decent product, might not be up to par with quality of American made woofers though. Major difference is when produced in China it is usually on a much larger scale and quality control isn't at it highest as to here most companies work on a much smaller scale with quality being priority.
  9. keetykush

    Ghettoblaster BASS! Tasty!

    whats the song playing
  10. keetykush

    Bass freezes beer? wtf!

    Bass did not freeze the burrz, end of story.
  11. keetykush

    Car Audio Black Friday SALE's?

    Black Friday is just a marketing scheme.
  12. keetykush

    theft proofing any tips?

    You were gonna shoot the mexican bangers with your gun? I know its fucked up they stole your shit, but really.
  13. keetykush

    Favorite Mixtapes

    Right now in the ride, I have the new Jeezy in rotation "The Last Laught" and some of the older Jeezy "Can't Ban The Snowman" . If you listen to Jeezy you know it slams. Post yall's favorite mixtapes. Not like homeade mixes but legit ones not like "Prom Night 09"
  14. keetykush

    DD 2512

    Or maybe in need of quick cash, and its not stolen... sounds quite logic.
  15. keetykush

    Favorite Mixtapes

    We got some similar taste, love all the trap shit and the khalifa.
  16. keetykush

    what systems made you laugh...

    GREAT THREAD...not really.
  17. keetykush

    Fi SSD vs SSA ICON

    He already decided,the end.
  18. keetykush

    Fi SSD vs SSA ICON

    Go with the SSD, and another option though a little different would be a Lethal Injection from Incriminator. Went from a 12 SSD to a 15 LI and couldn't be more impressed.
  19. keetykush

    8" mid-bass drivers to keep up with xcon

    Are there usually any modification involved placing 8" drivers in the doors? Kind of curious since my front stage sucks ass.
  20. keetykush

    Box for a Warden 18

    ^So helpful, really.Lets get the post count up anyway.
  21. keetykush

    I Give Up

    Word, might as well go straight into a new head unit instead of tweaking the stock... usually in the long run you'll eventually find yourself wanting a new head unit.
  22. In the long run, I see this thread going no where near productive.
  23. keetykush

    Cone surface or power ?

    Agreed went from a 12" SSD to a 15 Lethal Injection and they're both pretty good daily drivers but the fifteen won for sure.
  24. keetykush

    RMS for a fully loaded BTL

    Jeez....more post make you more of a man?^Its listed on the company's site 2000 rms, it can take more or less and be fine but be smart.
  25. keetykush

    i got 15's on my mind

    I have an Incriminator Audio 15", its a lethal injection. I would look into one of those if you get the chance, great sub.