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Everything posted by 1hotc6

  1. 1hotc6

    Which One?

    I mean amps*
  2. 1hotc6

    Which One?

    where is the best place to buy those subs? direct from their site?
  3. 1hotc6

    Which One?

    its gonna be a tight fit anyways, so i need all the extra room I can get. In that small of a hatch the difference for my needs are more likely suited for the BLs. They are also about a hundred dollars cheaper, and I can save a whole cubic foot of airspace as well.
  4. 1hotc6

    Which One?

    VDO was a large Audio company, German based I believe.
  5. 1hotc6

    Which One?

    2 BLs I doubt I will go with BTLs because it would seemingly be a waste I think. They requre less airspace as well as a smaller mounting depth, both which are at a premium for the vette.
  6. 1hotc6

    Which One?

    why to run double the reccommended power to these subs?
  7. 1hotc6

    Which One?

    Budget is for the one that will work the best. That is the clearest and will be able to crank up at times and not have to worry.
  8. 1hotc6

    Which One?

    I was going to let him decide on the amp, hince I am not an expert with wiring and elictricity. I could also use arcrylic instread of plexi if there was that much of difference.
  9. 1hotc6

    Which One?

    Yes I measured the trunk first haha. One of my good friends worked for VDO for a long time and he suggested I run 1 Hifonics amp for the two subs, he said we could run this with plenty of power without an extra altenator or battery. I will also custom make the box. I was thinking about housing the amps in clear plexiglass with some back lighting. I will likely upgrade to mb quartz for the frontstage speakers.