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Everything posted by SentraGuy

  1. SentraGuy

    BL 12 or 15?

    Only you would know that. This is not a Sentra forum. lol I would doubt it, but go measure your trunk and come back. Just measured and got these numbers. (Not exact by any means) 39" wide (between the wheel wells) 29" deep 15" tall only way it would fit is if you had it upfiring or down firing, considering this is going in a trunk I would do down firing so your trunk lid doesn't rattle as much. But you may gain or lose output from down firing, only way to know is to test it out. So a 12" facing the rear may be a better way to go. Alright, that's fine. The 12" was the original plan anyways. Building the box scares me though.
  2. SentraGuy

    BL 12 or 15?

    Only you would know that. This is not a Sentra forum. lol I would doubt it, but go measure your trunk and come back. Just measured and got these numbers. (Not exact by any means) 39" wide (between the wheel wells) 29" deep 15" tall
  3. SentraGuy

    Still a good amp for a BL 12?

    I'm seriously considering getting a Fi BL 12 and was wondering if the amp I link to below this would still be a good choice. Thanks in advance. http://www.db-r.com/sell/store2/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=65_67_69_105&products_id=248
  4. SentraGuy

    Ported box for a BL 12"

    How do these plans look for a BL 12"? Flickr Photo Download: Screenshot-01 Jan. 02 Thanks for your help.
  5. SentraGuy

    Ported box for a BL 12"

    Thanks! How did it look to you?
  6. SentraGuy

    Ported box for a BL 12"

    Thanks a bunch!
  7. SentraGuy

    Ported box for a BL 12"

    Where are you getting these numbers from? The sub's displacement is .18 ft^3 which would bring the total to 2.445 ft^3. I did the math. I wouldn't trust RE's calculator. Ah. Got ya. What formula's you using?
  8. SentraGuy

    dual 1 or dual 2?

    But what if his amp is stable at 1 ohm? Then he could get D2 and wire it to 1 ohm. Right? JL amps are only stable at 1.5 ohms - 4 ohms Hmm. Didn't know that.
  9. SentraGuy

    dual 1 or dual 2?

    But what if his amp is stable at 1 ohm? Then he could get D2 and wire it to 1 ohm. Right?
  10. SentraGuy

    Ported box for a BL 12"

    Where are you getting these numbers from? The sub's displacement is .18 ft^3 which would bring the total to 2.445 ft^3.
  11. SentraGuy

    Ported box for a BL 12"

    Could someone just take a look at these dimensions?
  12. SentraGuy

    2.5 cu ft box in trunk problem

    your box doesn't have to be 2.5ft tall in order to be 2.5 cubes. Thanks. This is what I needed to hear.
  13. SentraGuy

    2.5 cu ft box in trunk problem

    I want a Fi BL 12 with a ported 2.5 cu ft box. The problem is that i don't think a 2.5 foot height will fit in my trunk. My question is, could i make the box deeper, to make up for the height lost? And still have a total of 2.5 cu feet?
  14. SentraGuy

    2.5 cu ft box in trunk problem

    Did the exact thing your talking about my trunks only 14" tall and just went deeper and wider to make up. I guess your sub is firing up?
  15. I heard that the price on the site is +shipping. So how much did you guys pay for shipping (12" if the size matters)? Georgia in case that matters. Thanks. blake
  16. SentraGuy

    Fi BL 12" Amp issue

    I want to get a BL 12. And I have been lurking this forum for a while now and have noticed that one of the recommended amps for this sub would be a Sundown 1500d. My question is, is there a good place to purchase these from? Because when I Google it, all that comes up is old deals on random forums. Any help? Thanks. Blake
  17. SentraGuy

    Fi BL 12" Amp issue

    A great place to get them used is right here from the owner. SAZ1500D used An even cheaper option that will still work great would be this. Only problem is you have to wait for it. SAE1200D Ah sweet. Thanks. Is there a better amp that you would recommend? Do you mean cheaper? The amps I listed are of high quality. No, not necessarily. Sundown is the brand I mentioned from the beginning. I was asking if there is another besides Sundown you would personally prefer.
  18. SentraGuy

    Fi BL 12" Amp issue

    A great place to get them used is right here from the owner. SAZ1500D used An even cheaper option that will still work great would be this. Only problem is you have to wait for it. SAE1200D Ah sweet. Thanks. Is there a better amp that you would recommend?