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Everything posted by AirLFTN

  1. AirLFTN

    Sig's are here! updated

    I know what ya mean. They haven't for a while. I honestly like the sound of the Icon over the Xcon. I don't have a reason why, I guess since I own 2 Icon's it's a kinda bias opinion. I've heard both in person. Actually wouldn't be surprised to see Mark or Aaron say that they are going to discontinue them...LOL (Please don't!!!) I just felt lonely not having an Icon banner! On the contrary, I am having the first 2nd gen prototype being built up for us right now , shhhhhhhhhhhhhsh
  2. AirLFTN


    Thats actually exactly what it was designed to look like. "Grundge" text. Take a close look at the proof photos....
  3. AirLFTN

    My New Ride

  4. AirLFTN

    ZCON Prototype

    We are just waiting on some parts to come in. Then they will be produced.
  5. AirLFTN

    Sir-Lancelot's 18" Zcons

    That happened to me not to long ago. I ended up hard wiring the constant power on the HU to the battery. Fixed it right up.
  6. These sound amazing in a sealed box. I have a single 12 in my truck for past 4 months in a sealed enclosure. We have a few 15s left. I think they are D1 however. Not sure which you need. Ill look at the store when im home to see whats going on with the cart.
  7. AirLFTN

    2009 Malibu Build (2 B2 Audio CC 12")

    Very nice
  8. AirLFTN

    Store Upgrades... Again :)

    They do load fine inchrome for me. Thats my browser of choice. What skin are you using?
  9. AirLFTN

    For the love of Xcons

    First pic of this thread is now my phone wallpapper
  10. AirLFTN

    Happy Birthday Mark LaFountain

    Thanks guys! Much appreciated!!
  11. AirLFTN

    Getting Packed for SBN

    Thought you guys would appreciate this photo.
  12. Thats what its supposed to do. Takes you to the most recent post
  13. Sorry if its a little buggy guys. I only bought the updated version of this skin. We sorta just have to take the good with the bad on this one. When the next version comes out hopefully they adress some of your issues. Side note, im sure tgis skin is optomized for ipone and andriod, so BB users might not look perfect like the other phones....
  14. AirLFTN

    Zcon Subs

    Just waiting on the logo to be ready. Should very soon now...
  15. Aaron and i are going to try and make the drive down.
  16. AirLFTN

    Arizona meet

    Its every saturday year round.
  17. AirLFTN

    What's the best way into the Car Audio Industry?S

    It is so deeply rooted into my existence, I don't see it happening while I have a fighting chance. X2. Plus i have an SSA tattoo so we cant fall over
  18. AirLFTN

    ssa is the shit!!!

    Very nice ernie. Glad angel is liking that sub. About time he put it to work lol
  19. AirLFTN

    Arizona meet

    Read this on my phone. Cant see location.
  20. AirLFTN

    Group buy US Amps Merlin MD-21 | EDIT >Price Drop!!

    I wouldnt worry about that. We are sellimg these basicly at cost now.
  21. AirLFTN

    Order #1415

    Not to worry. We will check on things in the am when im not on my cell.
  22. AirLFTN

    Arizona meet

    What part of NY are you in? And yes. AZ is a good place for the ssa peeps. I had a lot of fun down there in audio land.