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Everything posted by ShagggDiesel

  1. ShagggDiesel

    My first home made bass track

    Haha! I feel you man. Yeah it's just a copy And pasted loop of chorus/verse. It started out as a legit song, but I felt like adding a low baseline and seeing what I Could with it in my car, so it never really Turned into a full song.. More or less just something to play with bass ya know? My future "songs" will vary more and be more like complete songs and not repetitive loops. As far as music experience, I've been writing and learning since 7th grade. I'm currently a senior in high school, plan on going to MTSU and majoring in recording industry, and minor in music production. Softwares I use are: ProTools Le8, Reason 4, and Cubase. 90% of my work is done in PT, I use reason mainly for sample based stuff, and cubase just for quick audio tests pretty much. Plus countless other small programs that aren't worth mentioning. Thanks for your interest
  2. ShagggDiesel

    My first home made bass track

    Bump for feedback
  3. ShagggDiesel

    Sealed box frequency response

    Thanks for the clarification guys! Is that program freeware or is it buyable somewhere? It looks pretty useful...
  4. ShagggDiesel

    Sealed box frequency response

    Ok so I guess my question would be, could you get a sealed enclosure to produce the lower frequencies comparable to that of a low tuned ported enclosure as far as output goes?
  5. ShagggDiesel

    My first home made bass track

    Thanks man! I will def. be using lower frequencies in my future bass songs. I'll probably even make a few SQ songs to work with too with Acoustic guitar/piano/drums and vocals etc. I'm using a Neumann TLM 103 for my main instrument vocal/instrument mic right now, and it sounds NICE
  6. ShagggDiesel

    Program to find peak frequencies?

    very good man.
  7. ShagggDiesel

    Program to find peak frequencies?

    Alright well to start, I'm an experienced music producer/recording engineer. I'm starting to incorporate my music into my car audio hobby. I've been making a few bass tracks to test out and demo with in my car. My question: What's a good program to use to find peak frequencies in a song? I'm going to start finding this out in my bass songs and posting them up here on the forum for people to use and test out. Also, I'd like some feedback, and maybe videos of people using them.
  8. ShagggDiesel

    Program to find peak frequencies?

    Ok I've got audacity downloaded, where do I go about from there to find what I'm looking for? Obviously have the song imported to the session.. but then what?
  9. ShagggDiesel

    Free Bravox (Video Contest)

    Can I do a song/music video?
  10. If you really want to be safe, you could run 0 gauge from the front battery to the back, and use a distrubution block with a 4g output to run to the amp for a short distance, then do the same with the ground from the amp. Or, if anything, 0 to 4g reducers
  11. Do you have all the crossovers and whatnot tuned right? Just turning the gain knob won't always make it louder. Also, the gain isn't a volume knob. Don't use it as one. You will blow something.
  12. ShagggDiesel

    Fi IB3

    That 1200d may be a little much for IB. It doesn't take much for IB subs to reach their limits. Most IB setups I've seen have been no more than 500-750 watts
  13. ShagggDiesel

    Fi SSD vs SSA ICON

    My next setup is going to consist of a single 12" driver in a Khaotik ported enclosure. My question: As far as output goes, not SQ by any means, which is better suited for my situation? A Fi SSD 12" or an SSA ICON 12"? The sub will be seeing around 1500 watts, probably not the full 1500 but that's about RMS on the amp. I'm looking for strictly output. I have all electrical necessary for the setup. It's just that after shipping, these 2 subs are about the exact same price, and same RMS rating. Just needing input, on the output of them lol. Thanks ahead, -Shag
  14. ShagggDiesel

    Help Identifying an FI sub!!!

    Looks like a BL series to me
  15. ShagggDiesel

    Fi SSD vs SSA ICON

    Found my solution. My dude "phi" on here is hooking me up with a fresh reconed BTL for a nice price and I'm going to be picking it up. He may also be building my enclosure as well and save me a S-Load on both deals Woohoo!
  16. ShagggDiesel

    sa-8 enclosure

    Neither of them look like anything I would get. They automatically turn me off because of the shitty 2$ speaker terminals. It would also help to decide though if they told you what frequency the boxes were tuned to.. It's hard to tell without any information. If I had to choose between those, I'd go with the first one though, just because the port is incredibly too small on the 2nd one.
  17. ShagggDiesel

    Fi SSD vs SSA ICON

    Well the SSD would be fully loaded with Bp power and flatwind coil and whatnot so power handling is almost even.
  18. ShagggDiesel

    Fi SSD vs SSA ICON

    I am getting the BTL. Just not at this time. I'm on a slight budget so this is my choice for now. I'll slowly upgrade and get a BTL when the time comes.
  19. Only thing I could think of that would not work right, is since the 2nd battery isn't directly in-line with the first one, the altenator wouldn't be charging the 2nd battery as much that way. It seems to me that Most of the power would be drained from the front battery, and the amp would just be drawing dry power from the 2nd battery. The 2nd battery is seeing very little, if any charge from up front. Yes it would help, but it could quickly drain the 2nd battery.. Kind of like running your system for a long period without the car being on. I've never seen a car done this way so I don't have a definite answer, but that's what it looks like to me.
  20. Thanks for all the input guys. But I got to thinking because I wasn't 100% sure, and I see that the Remote knob that came with the amp is a Bass BOOST knob as opposed to just a level control. What sort of trouble am I looking into now? I didn't think it was that bad because I listened to the system without the remote knob, and it sounded the same as it did with the remote hooked up and turned full tilt. I haven't noticed any distortion that you would hear from an overdriven bass boost.. It seems to me that it's just acting as a volume control, as the RCA one is. If this helps any, the amp model is a Lanzar MAXP1200d Monoblock.
  21. Here's the deal, in my previous few installs, I had been using a simple 12$ RCA bass control knob. You run RCA's from the HU to the knob, then from the knob back to the amplifier controlling the input level from the head unit to the amp. Simple. Well I recently got a new amp, which came with a Remote bass control knob. I hooked this knob up to the amp via the telephone jack looking remote cable, while still running my RCA's through the original knob. I've been keeping the RCA knob at 100% and using the remote to control the levels.. My question is, is this a bad idea for any reason at all? Perhaps output voltage from the RCA's or something of that nature? Also, what are the pro's and con's of using a RCA knob and a Remote knob if I were to use just one of them? What should I do in this situation? Thanks in advance..
  22. Gotcha now.. So you don't think I should eliminate either of the knobs? I don't really see a purpose for both being there, other than the fact if I switch out amps and one doesn't have remote control, I always have the RCA one for backup. More or less a lazy bypass of removal and installation.
  23. I'm not understanding what you're saying here.. they had one hooked to the amp, and one hooked to the sub? How do you hook a bass knob up to a sub? :/
  24. ShagggDiesel

    LCD voltmeter.

    I got one of those off eBay a while back.. I just wire it to my ignition cable to the HU and ground it the same way. It's worked fine for a year
  25. ShagggDiesel

    Newbie needing system opinions

    Without personally checking it all out, there's not a lot of advice I could give myself that you haven't already done. My best advice would be to install what you have, play with it a while and listen for gaps. Since this SQ system is for YOU, YOU'RE the only person that can really tell us what's missing. Now if you install it and tell us that, we could go from there as to help with what you need to fill those gaps.