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Everything posted by rttr83football

  1. i no longer have the tools that go on the sides of the reciver to pull it out any suggestions on how to otherwise do it ... like the little strips of mettal that are used to pull out your reciever out i dont have em any suggestions
  2. rttr83football

    Port Size Question

    i have a 3 inch by 12 inch port that goes in 9 inches which means its tuned to 32 hz ... if i maybe woulda made it thinner and went back farther could it of been louder?
  3. rttr83football

    Port Size Question

    it would be 30 inches deep by 32 wide by 12 3/4 tall
  4. rttr83football


    I RLLY neeed help i just hooked up my brutus to my fi ssd 18 and all its doing is go thud thud thud thud thud thud thud nonstop kinda quickly with no music bass coming from it idk wtf is wrong with it if i take the RCA out it stops please help.... i hooked it before and it worked fine but someoone broke into my car and ripped everything out but they caught them and i got it all back so idk just any suggestions
  5. rttr83football


    thank you all .... i called up my friend and he said he noticed that where i tucked my RCA in under the weather stipping it was all jacked up and he never told me cuz i never had a problem before... so when they ripped my stuff out they damaged it even more so it has to be my RCA illl get a new one ... PM me tomorrow if you wanna know if it works out
  6. rttr83football

    Subwoofer box hole cutting

    i like how i get my first 18 and it doesnt come with a template for the size hole... i built a box for it before bt it was way off and i just lived with it ... what is the best way to cut my FI SSD to fit in the hole like a king ??? any suggestions would be appreciated
  7. just designing my box ... just finished cutting out the supports in my back seat so i can fit a bigg box

  8. just designing my box ... just finished cutting out the supports in my back seat so i can fit a bigg box

  9. just designing my box ... just finished cutting out the supports in my back seat so i can fit a bigg box

  10. rttr83football

    Subwoofer box hole cutting

    thanks allot bro thats why i was at 17 my first time... that little bit makes a HUGE DIFFERENCE
  11. rttr83football

    Subwoofer box hole cutting

    Like the hole the subwoofer fits in.... i can never get it right cuz it never came with a template for it
  12. rttr83football

    Fi Subs

    why does it on every single Subwoofer on the Fi website it says N/A for the sealed box size