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Everything posted by steveo50

  1. i have found a shuriken on sonics. its like 70 bucks but i dont know if it is the right size for my amp, i have a 1200watt brutus. i will be adding hids and a smaller amp for highs. do you think this will work for a second batt in the back?......may be my post is not clear i have bad dimming problems from my sub. i was going to invest into a batt to help this problem and also do the big 3. i donot want to wham on my sub due to the fact i hear if it is not powered correctly it will damage my amp and sub. i know i do not have anything crazy so i thought a small batt would suffice the systems power needs. http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/index.php?app=forums&module=post&section=post&do=new_post&f=6
  2. steveo50


    I have a stock one I'm sure its not as accurate. Is there a diy on how to install one?
  3. steveo50


    Ok cool ill prob go that way then I'm always on a budget cuz. I don't make a lot I was trying to go the cheap way out
  4. steveo50


    what do you think about yellow tops? I can get them for 120 apiece.
  5. steveo50


    Well I have a bass nob next to the head unit a get I don't really get on it cuz iv payed so much for what I have and only show people all out maybe like 1time a week maybe but I'd love to keep it up from pretty much my whole 30 min ride to work. I think the big 3 will help a lot but in not going to get the wires till I get the batt
  6. steveo50


    Ok thank you jay cee I'm glad you could help I am sorry
  7. steveo50


    No the box is its rather cramped the batt is a pretty small one for being a suv. I think it has a 180 amp alt.
  8. steveo50


    It would be much simpler to say that then to post something. not helpful? But back to my topic. It is also hard to post on my dinasour blackberry it does not always work right.
  9. steveo50


    Its just a reg stock batt I never really looked its prob the original that came with the truck.
  10. steveo50


    ok,i did an edit i thought i may not have been clear, due to jay cees post. thank you ohjay i will prob go with a yellow top i can get them for a pretty good deal.
  11. steveo50


    not sure what you mean..? wrong forum..? this is the eletrical one right? a second batt pertains to car audio?
  12. steveo50

    DCON's Going Hammer (bammer , bammer , bammer!)

    very nice bro!
  13. steveo50

    death row or flatlyne?

    Hum I c now
  14. steveo50

    death row or flatlyne?

    Flatlyne is a more sq sub then the dr iv never heard any one say the dr is a sq I thought it was a spl
  15. steveo50

    Shop Owners/Employees, what's up?!

    Well here in tampa every one and there mom has a system the shops here rip you off and yes are rude and think you know nothing but they do very very well this shit shop down the road the owner drives a brand new jag with wheels and a system in it he does "other things" there the shop but no shop around my area is hurting and is lol all the way to the bank. I buy my stuff online and then have them install it just cuz I'm lazy and I get a deal cuz my buddy does work on the owners CARS
  16. steveo50


    Hahaha tisk tisk
  17. steveo50


    Dictator are you talking about the zeus or crescendos?
  18. steveo50


    Yea iv email em and called like a million times and left a voice mail also thank you for the reply and info
  19. steveo50


    Yea its possible iv been waiting for like a month tho I don't wana order the speakers from the site cuz it says sold out
  20. steveo50


    Ok thank you I just thought it was strange for the ratting of watts for those speakers
  21. steveo50

    Where to get supliments

    Southernmuscle.com that's where I get mine its a local shop that just went on line and they have real good deals and monster mass is the best imo
  22. steveo50

    Anything wrong with this box?

    Iv had two boxes made one was 250 but that was a blow threw had to cut threw metal and other stuff the second only coast me 80 for a 12 and he said 120 for a 15.so you never know
  23. steveo50

    Anything wrong with this box?

    Don't do that man get one made from a local shop. Get the specs and bring them with you. Ask if they can build it to spec it will prob coast you less and will be better imo
  24. steveo50

    Company Car

    One of those old WWII half ton trucks or what ever there called make a sheet metal cover for it and its diesel so it will rattle till you put your product in.....or just a diesel truck there sooo loud
  25. steveo50

    Box for 2006 Toyota 4 runner

    Do a 15 I'm happy kinda with my dr 12 but I think I'm more of a 15 kinda guy. I had a band pass in my bmw and liked it more then the ported boxi have now. it didn't get as loud but I think it sounded better. Ill let some one else explain the bandpass and 6th order cuz I really don't know the diff. I'm just letting you know from my experience. Also iv been told its better to use two subs in a bandpass.