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Everything posted by steveo50

  1. steveo50


    22.3 I think you made a type-o but any one will work bro I don't see any reason a cheaper one would make any diff.
  2. i actually have them running just off the head unit for now i have messed with the head unit a lot trying to get them to sound loud.
  3. steveo50

    Which Gym??

    Don't do ballys its a loan to join that place I used to colect debt and there were ungodly amounts of ballys accounts when you sign up your actually signing for a loan
  4. steveo50

    incriminator 6.5' components

    Yea I thought about doing the tweets separate from the speakers but that can get messy getting a crossover and all
  5. Like he would press radio and it would take longer then it should imo. Also to read disks it would take more time then I would expect paying that much for the hu. I love kenwood hu I have one my self its not a touch screen tho
  6. steveo50

    incriminator 6.5' components

    Yea the incriminator facebook page said 160 to 200 for the price.
  7. Yea I just said screw it and got a reg hu. I don't really care for the touch screens my boy gott the 1200 dollar kenwood and its bad ass but I don't like it due to the slowness and stuff so I will never have another touch screen. Just my 2 cents
  8. Yea iv had some touch screens do that it sucks mine would play what ever song or station it wanted
  9. steveo50

    Door way Pull up bar

    Being able to eat all you want and still have the same weight is great. Just get freaking cut as hell.
  10. steveo50

    Just recieved my NeoPro 8s

    Yea my bad no offense to sundown I know its a great product! And I have now learned a little something.
  11. steveo50

    a little flex for ya

    I should be making some new longer videos this weekend my girl has this real nice camera so the quality should be better
  12. steveo50

    New from MS

    im actualy from bogachitta how ever you spell it its south about 45 miles from jackson......i hated living there...
  13. steveo50

    Best Sounding Exhaust EVER? You tell me.

    omg palmer that is so fing funny
  14. steveo50

    Just recieved my NeoPro 8s

    hey ram screw you man jp. i just thought they would look a little cooler it looks like an eminence or how ever you spell the name.
  15. steveo50

    incriminator 6.5' components

    I'm not sure I think I may have put the neg wire in the positive or vice versa sunday I'm going to mess with it
  16. like it is working but there is not much if any sound at all coming from it. i will probe take the door off again and switch it and see if that will help. thank you for the reply.
  17. So today I was playing with the placement of the tweeters and they have no sound coming out of them.... I put the wire with the black stripe in the neg slot on the xover did I put It in wrong or some thing
  18. steveo50

    Just recieved my NeoPro 8s

    Yea I have to agree with op not so pretty
  19. steveo50

    a little flex for ya

    The box is at 35ish herts its really freaking big. I'm working on the review is my week end so I'm getting drunk annd my dog and my girl can't take it
  20. steveo50

    a little flex for ya

    thank you both here is my fav one with the incriminator comps installed
  21. steveo50

    a little flex for ya

    i have another one but it has my tag in it and i dont wana put that on the internet lol
  22. im still kinda messing with them placing the tweeter and all and the settings on the hu
  23. Got em installed today running off the head unit. These are very nice they have a sq to them. There not to bright the mid bass is pretty damn good for not having any sound deadning. These deff need a amp to them.
  24. steveo50

    Hello from Central Florida

    Florida hello from tampa
  25. Lol well I'm working now and I have stock bose speakers so this should be a huge step up.