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-3 A few mistakes


About steveo50

  • Rank
    incriminating on em
  • Birthday 05/18/1989

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  • Location
    trigga city florida

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  1. steveo50

    My car speakers suck a**

    Can you prove they literally suck ass?
  2. steveo50


    been busy with school. may be after tax returns. ?
  3. steveo50

    icon with hole in the face

    damn the C came off, or did you peel it off? glad no one is hurt also.
  4. Oooo interesting are they reliable?
  5. steveo50

    Blacked my gmc emblem out

    looks good. if you feel frisky, try painting it the same color as your tuck!
  6. steveo50

    Blown or damaged woofer?

    idk run your finger nail under the cap see if anything feels kinda lose id guess
  7. steveo50

    Blown or damaged woofer?

    i had my dr for 2 years and did my best to blow it. never had problems loose dust cap sounds strange.
  8. steveo50

    SBN March 24-25

    hahah shut up shizz
  9. steveo50

    SBN March 24-25

    ill be there to watch!
  10. steveo50

    Well, no more kitten

    I'm calling pita!!! Jp I don't care for cats.
  11. If you are looking at the same site I looked on they have it on back order
  12. steveo50

    another craigslist funny....

    strange http://lakeland.craigslist.org/cto/2782887710.html
  13. steveo50

    bld9220's first real build

    looks damn good