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Everything posted by ludachris5150

  1. ludachris5150

    Suprised the V2 hasn't been posted

    Thats what the havocs and mayhems are for haha, If you want to call them jr models. I want to see something crazy, Sundown is about to have some crazy subs on the market in the near future with those nasty ass new surrounds they got. Shits getting nuts
  2. ludachris5150

    Sundown SA-12 and Skar VVX-12

    Your on the SSA forum so most people are going to tell you gcon. Not that it isnt a good choice, IMO id go sundown, Google that. I run 2 sa 12s and I love them. Not to mention ive never came across anything negative about any of there problems. You can get them cheap to. I would DEFINATLEY consider some FI SSD's or some Ascendant audio subs
  3. Pretty sure Id know if it was distorting to all hell. Right now its loud, and clean. Even though you dont recommend using the clip light its hookd up because its on the gain knob, Came with the amp so I figured why not install it... But I usually only get a soft clip on it every now n then. Just wanted deeper info so I knew it was set "somewhat" right. Thanks I guess you will find out. If you start to get a burning smell turn it down. Really? Thanks for the advice/info. Go to smd and ask the same question... 1 answer - Buy a dd1, Come to ssa and all I get is. Try whatever you think, Turn it down if you smell it.Well obviously, Not 1 bit of useful info... 1/4 say dd1, 1/4 say ear, 1/4 say scope, 1/4 watts/ohms chart and a dmm... I mean if im missing info that you would need to help me out you could let me know. Forget it tho, Ill figure it out
  4. Pretty sure Id know if it was distorting to all hell. Right now its loud, and clean. Even though you dont recommend using the clip light its hookd up because its on the gain knob, Came with the amp so I figured why not install it... But I usually only get a soft clip on it every now n then. Just wanted deeper info so I knew it was set "somewhat" right. Thanks
  5. Get somebody thats done it before so you can learn. well that's what I'm trying to do. There's 2 shops around me that don't know shit. They don't even carry 0g wire. There garbage, so I figured here would be a great option It is but I cant teach you over the computer. There are better people who could tell you how. that's cool, if didn't know it was that deep. Figured it could be explained
  6. Get somebody thats done it before so you can learn. well that's what I'm trying to do. There's 2 shops around me that don't know shit. They don't even carry 0g wire. There garbage, so I figured here would be a great option
  7. Well the clip light came with the bc2k. But Ok, I'm just trying to figure out which of the 2 is betr to go with. And the correct process of setting it to the HU pre out if that's the way. I appreciate everyone's input but most people say one or the other but won't get detailed
  8. Ok, so when I set it by ear do I still use 75‰ volume? And a 0db tone, 40-50hz. I have a 2k amp, and tho the SAs are little beasts there still 600rms. I do have a clip light but still. Trying to get loud n not blow anything up
  9. I'm trying to figure this out to. The only way to set my gain at 2volts (which is what my hu is) is to have the volume at 21/35 and the gain just a c-word hair up. Only problem is that its not loud. A bc2k on 2 sa12s is plenty. So how do I get it loud then?
  10. 1st off let me say that a dd1 is not currently available anywhere around me at the moment. And I just got my system installd so I wont be able to afford a dd1 for a month or 2. Also no shops around me have a scope (dont ask me how they set their gains). So I have to temp DMM set it. Question is ive read alot of people saying to set it to the HU preouts which would be 2volts. Even on volume 29 the gain is pretty much all the way down at 2 volts. Or do I set it from the watts/ohms chart that ive seen around the web? Which would put me around 38-42volts? Which of the 2 should I go by? Also what setting do I set the DMM to, I know its Vac, But is it 200, 2000, ... ? Any info is greatly appreciated. Thank you
  11. ludachris5150

    which is better for me

  12. ludachris5150

    Phoenix Gold TLD22

    Idk. It just sound'd like itd help. My amp can take up to 8v so I figured 4v to 6v couldnt hurt? Gotta basically have my deck at 50-55/60. No advice on checking the voltage anyway? Just because your amp can handle it doesn't mean you should do it. Eclipse head units had 6-8 volt preouts, it's really not needed now. When setting your gain don't do it at 50-55/60 either. That's much too high. Set it at about 45/60. My bad, I was talking about my volume being at 50-55/60. The gain on my amp right now is at 34.9volts (a little less than half) Subsonic and LPF are set correctly and bass boost is all the way down. And its not like it sounds bad, Especially for having a stock front stage. But the thing just said it helps "clarify" bass. Helps get rid of some distortion, Cleaner signal? Shit like that. Im not expectn a night and day difference, But if it can benefit my system in any way than I think itll be worth it. Im just trying to find out how to see what voltage its putn out. Ill install it and if Im not happy Ill toss the thing
  13. My H/U only puts out 2v. Figured this could help so I bought one. Im tryna set it to about 5V. Got the cover off and everything. But how do I check what voltage its at? I put a DMM on the outside of the rca plug and it stayd at 0. Put the prongs on the inside and the numbers went crazy! What am I doing wrong? Do I have to have the LD installd and the rca's hookd up before adjusting the voltage?
  14. ludachris5150

    Phoenix Gold TLD22

    Idk. It just sound'd like itd help. My amp can take up to 8v so I figured 4v to 6v couldnt hurt? Gotta basically have my deck at 50-55/60. No advice on checking the voltage anyway?
  15. ludachris5150

    Best fasteners for high SPL builds

    Im pry jus gunna go with the titebond... But what about the liquid nails thats actually for wood? Says wood right on the tube?
  16. ludachris5150

    volt meters

    oh and if ya search for (my latest improvement build) in the search you can find my post with the pics of my current setup i personally like the blue one. If you have any questions about installing it let us know i just ordered a blue one my fave. also i'll be sure to ask thanks i know were im going to install it now and its going to look great!!! My volt meters scheduled to be here 2m. So to calibrate it I hook it up to my amp. Test my battery with a DMM. And set the meter to whatever the batterys readin?
  17. ludachris5150

    Ordered but never received my shipment

    I orderd on the 22nd. Sub just left FI on the 8th... Due to the holidays n shit? They said their sending a shirt cus of the delay in the shipping dept. I really wasnt tripn and didnt ask for anything free! I dont give a ****, I know it'll be worth the wait!
  18. ludachris5150

    Black FiDay sale!

    pics of the dust caps???
  19. ludachris5150

    Daily setup

    Gotta 92 deville and Im just trying to get the best bang for my buck. The seats dont fold down at all and it has that big ass metal piece blocking most all of the sound from getn into the cabin. So Im looking for a sub that gets loud and is able to take them lows. Im most likely going to have it port tuned at 32-34 hz.. Im leaning towards a fully loaded 12" FI Q, But Ive been looking at the 12 IA LI's also, They seem to get really loud and take the lows... Or possibly a SA 12? Whats ur opinion?
  20. ludachris5150

    Daily setup

    And BL's are on sale for black friday, free cooling + flatwind option ($60 value) Well im not tryna spend over $800, The box is gunna run me around 200... Either way, 12 or 15. Im not dead set on a 12, But goin with a 15 is gunna cost a couple hundred more. Anyway that would leave me with about 600 for a sub and amp. I can get a SA12 for $220 shipped, But Idk if thats the right sub for me. Id love some RD alphas but cant find any decent prices on those. And I could damn near get 2 lethal injections for the price of a BL. But no I havent taken out the 6x9's in the rear deck... Im sure I'll have to if I wanna get sound in the cabin tho. I'll take the armrest out n all that if I have to. Guess well see
  21. ludachris5150

    Sorry if this is a repost

    What are standard shipping prices? Im looking to get 1 12" sent to 68510. Its not included in the price when you go to checkout is it? Any info is much appreciated