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About Painsorrow

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  1. Painsorrow

    AA 4th order box help

    Hi all Just wondering if someone could help me design a 4th order bandpass box for my AA chaos 12" ive decided i want this for two reasons. 1 i own a sedan with a sealed off boot and this is meant to be one of the best boxes for this application. secondly these subs are meant to be awesome in 4th order. i plan to port the box through the speaker holes in the parcel tray. ohh the car is a toyota jzx100. ohh i also plan to use this as my daily box. thanks heaps.
  2. Painsorrow

    help with aa chaos 4th order

    would you be able to help with box spec sizes for a 6th order then please? as i wouldnt have a clue. and i was wanting to do 4th because i thought it would be easier than 6th. im really wanting to start building it tomorrow.
  3. sorry stupid phone decided to send this 3 times.
  4. Painsorrow

    help with aa chaos 4th order

    my thoughts on why i want a 4th bandpass is because its in a sedan with the boot completely sealed off from cabin. And from what ive read 4th bandpass is my best option. Plus aa chaos is dant to perform very well in 4th bandpass
  5. Painsorrow

    help with aa chaos 4th order

    Hi all, I have an aa chaos 12 that i am wanting to put in a 4th order bandpass box. i want it to hit real low and just be a real street beater pretty much. i mainly listen to rap and dubstep, What do you guys reckon would be the best enclosure size? its going into a sedan and i plan to port it into the cabin. Any advice would be great, Thanks