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Everything posted by Bring97

  1. yeah that is the first amp with the new technology that they ghave. think of it this way, an amp that draws 30amps will now draw only 6 because of the tech they put into it
  2. Bring97

    My Baby

    ahh ha found the pic i was looking for and will answer our questions ren it was the old DE-1000 that was wrong, they were actually 2 ohm stable(for full power) but it was labeled 1ohm. the newer ones were 1 ohm stable and put out full power there. here is a pic that helped me remember
  3. Bring97

    My Baby

    hmm i think that was the de-1000 when they first came out, they had the endcaps wrong but they fixed after a bit (i think thats right, but i know what your talkin about). that one he has is 2ohm stable but can be ran down to 1ohm as long as you keep the current/voltage up. the DE-1000 without the half moons are the ones that are labeled for 1 ohm and put out full power at 1 ohm.
  4. Bring97

    New US Amps on ebay

    yep i bought a de-1000 from him as well and it came fudgeed up, so i had it sent to him at us amps and he treated me like chit for it being broken and so forth and so on. never deal with him, EVER!
  5. Bring97

    My Baby

    haha wow what an old thread, oh and that is the board for the old de-1000 not the new one
  6. Bring97

    My Baby

    thats is the de-1000 ive had a couple and if you lok at teh stamp on the board it say this is a class DE amp... and us amps is the only one with DE aps so its a de-1000 great amp btw. the 1100 is actaully from the pt-1100 as far as i know which has tripath technology. so that might be where the usa-1100T came from :dunno:
  7. Bring97

    SSA Arizona RL-S Demo Meet

    awww, and i just got the extreme installed
  8. Bring97

    SSA Arizona RL-S Demo Meet

    more than just purdy lookin amp draws 3 amps of current with no sub hooked up
  9. Bring97

    SSA Arizona RL-S Demo Meet

    werd ill be there. ill bring my treo 1500 as well for the power and hopefully if all goes well itll be hooked up to the brahma extreme