My main idea was to scratch up some new wider pods to hold the Zapco components with the same look, flush the tweeters in on an angle in the forward edge of the new pods, cover them in black grille cloth similar to the carpet in the black door pods and swap the "Concert Sound II" tags over on the new pods to keep the OEM look with slightly wider dimensions. This is what is in there now, and I had thoughts of crafting up a new pod out of laminated MDF, fibreglass or a combination thereof to look like the OEM pod only wider for mid and tweeter, cover with grill cloth or carpet and then seal it to the door card, and door card to the inner door. I know your way would probably sound best, but the GN owner doesn't want to deviate or make permanent mods that look noticeably different and the optional pods are already there from the factory. Was there a particularly best place to run power through the firewall that you remember?