Unfortunately, I have to say that I have back to back demo'd RW220 8" midbass speakers and L6 7.1" speakers and guess which one I have decided to stick with? Also, on a board (18mm Birch Ply) chamfered with the 12m vs L4s - yep I tried that one... Along with DLS Iridiums / Fostex 4" full range drivers etc etc. It wasn't very scientific but we did listen - various people using various drivers (which is why we had the various drivers). Unfortunately, all these people now use Hybrid L drivers why.... ??? Well, I use their drivers because I think they are the best drivers I can afford that I have heard and I have heard a few. Of course, my personal opinion only. And you obviously joined to troll considering the date so what is that opinion worth? Opposite result on the midrange review IMO. I also love the fact that you state "best you can afford" without the application. Pretty absurd. I thought I would come on here and find out about my new FI IB3 sub - sharing my knowledge and information might actually be worth something to someone who open mindedly listens to a number of drivers and without thinking about name droping etc decides to go with a certain driver. And, what has the date of which I joined this forum got anything to do with whether I have a valid opinion or not? And, the best I can afford is my personal application of using a set of speakers, as absurd as it sounds, to please me without breaking my personal finances - how's that? I would stick to giving either facts or your personal opinion rather than trying to belittle people actually posting their opinions. What if I liked Polk speakers am I a retard? How about JBL? or come to think of it SEAS? FYI - It doesn't take much for a keyboard warrior to gain a 15k post on any forum except maybe not having much else to do except spill garbage!