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Everything posted by bdogg81

  1. my friend has a dual 4 ohm old school cerwin vega stroker that he has told me i can get for $100, the only problem is that i metered the voice coils and they are reading 3 ohms apiece. what do you guys think, does it still have some playing time left or should i not purchase it?
  2. I have a 1997 tahoe and i'm looking to set my system up by summer. my question is should i do 2 audioque sdc 2.5 15's or 1 fi q 18'' sub? and amp choices will either be a audioque 1200d or a sundown 1200d. i mostly listen to hip hop if this helps and want mostly lows with some flex over ""SQL"".
  3. I picked all of this up for $150 today! 3 pairs 5.25 '' audio art component sets, 1 pair 6.5'' audio art component set, 2 pairs of 6.5''old school crappy pioneers, all of the wiring, a audio art 360.6 xe amp and a 160.4xe amp. I'm hoping to install this in my tahoe,what do you guys think? did i do allright?
  4. bdogg81

    pick up some old school audio art cheap!

    nope the guy met me an hour from my house
  5. I was looking around last night for some 5.25s and i found a ad with a 6 ch. amp and a 4 ch. amp along with 3 sets of 5.25 component sets all old school audio art and 2 sets of pioneer 6.5'' midbass for $150 for everything. it's a round trip 7 hr. drive to pick it all up. Is it worth the drive and $150 i don't know much abouth the audio art brand. also the components are new in the box.
  6. bdogg81

    i need opions on audio art package

    X2. A long way. we talked and he's goona meet me an hour away, should be a decent set up for $150 for my tahoe once i get my two 18'' fi ssd's with a sundown 2000. what power supply setup would you guys recommend for this?
  7. bdogg81

    i need opions on audio art package

    yeah he has sent me some pics and it all looks good.
  8. bdogg81

    fi x12 question

    I don't know very much about the x 12's and i was looking for some input. how do you guys think 4 x12's would sound in a tahoe with a ported box tuned at 30-32 hz with an epicenter? I will be running somewhere between 1500 to 2500 watts to them.
  9. bdogg81

    2 18'' fi ssd's ?

    I have a tahoe and i was curious just to see what your opinions on my set up would be? I 'm looking to do 2 18'' ssd's, epicenter, my question is should i go with 2 old school punch 800's or a memphis mojo 2500? i'm looking to do 150-155 db
  10. bdogg81

    2 18'' fi ssd's ?

    maybe i could do it with 2 btl 18's and a mojo 4000w?