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The enD

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Everything posted by The enD

  1. The enD

    The Random Funny Picture Thread

    How you save money...
  2. The enD

    Guys, what do you thing about Pandas ?

    Remove the back seats. Put a ported box with two 18's or 15's (have to see how much space I have to work with) Nightshades I hope. I am wondering on changeable ports just to make some better scores at competitions. We haven't hit many good numbers here at BG so I'll try to be the first one.
  3. I have a friend in America that keeps saying Fiat Panda gets very loud and I should buy one for my project. It has something to do with the vehicle's acoustics and the shape of the car... like Honda CRX's. Sean and Jacob are at SBN right now, and Sean said there is a Panda ... Something like 158db - 2 x 15's In Bulgaria I can find some Pandas for cheap... the cheapest one is 350$ ! And some better ones for about 500-700$. What do you guys heard about Pandas? Is it true about them and SPL? I am thinking about two Nightshades 18's or 15's if there is not enough space. Wall or no wall? If I go with a wall does the vehicle really matter that much? With a box somewhere in behind the shape of the car takes place, but with a wall everything is almost the same- wall, seats, windshield. And the car is not the best looking one nor with a powerful engine like others... only 60hp, just does not feel right for a daily car. My goal is daily loud vehicle for my addiction for the Lows, mainly demos(hair tricks and ppl bailing out ) and some competitions. I don't know... just researching. Any thoughts ?
  4. The enD

    Bass Knobs.

    Hide it behind the cigarette lighter. Looks like a normal lighter but when turned funny things happen.
  5. The enD

    Guys, what do you thing about Pandas ?

    I want a Toyota. My father had 3, sold one and now have 2. I have driven them all and I love them all. And I asked around lots of people about Celica T20... all say good about them so I am pretty sure about the brand and model.
  6. The enD

    The Random Funny Picture Thread

    What happens when you have 180 tabs opened in Firefox It uses 1.23 Gb RAM.
  7. The enD

    Guys, what do you thing about Pandas ?

    My main reason for buying a car is to put a system in it. From that point on I look for a reliable car, good looking, cheap to the pocket-mpg and affordable to keep on the road.
  8. The enD

    Guys, what do you thing about Pandas ?

    It will be my first car. So I won't have anything to compare it to, like some other builds I've done that dropped low. And just to mention for me low is 34-35... not those builds I see with 15 or 20hz tuning How much of a difference would I feel with a 4Runner compared to a Celica ? Maybe two 15's. Loud daily vehicle. Rap music. Once again, it will be my first car/system and I haven't felt the low bass from a big car and going with a smaller car I won't hear a difference. The Celica weights less, better MPG, cheaper on the pocket (the tires on that 4Runner are much more expensive+the taxes I have to pay for a bigger motor... 3 liter V6) ... I don't worry about removing the back seat of the celica and placing one big box. I don't need the rear.
  9. The enD

    Chat room

    My NoScript addon for FF was blocking the chat. Too good I remembered it is on.
  10. The enD

    The "Makin' Money" thread

    11 days passed. I wonder if I got something wrong
  11. The enD

    Chat room

    I am there right now... but there is a time difference too. I check it frequently, but it is always empty :/
  12. The enD

    The "Makin' Money" thread

    I still haven't got any email from SurveySavvy
  13. The enD

    Guys, what do you thing about Pandas ?

    What I wanted to know. Thanks. What type of car should I go with then? Loud and low, probably walling it off. I am not going to make it strictly for a demo car, but rather than a daily car with very loud system. What do you think about Toyota Celica T20? Much room behind the back seats.
  14. The enD

    Guys, what do you thing about Pandas ?

    I live in Bulgaria. No rules here.... hehe If it is true... how much is the gain. We are talking about some other car with properly done system and the same equipment in a properly done Panda. How much would be the difference. Just to get the idea is it really worth it.
  15. The enD


    You can wire a D2 to whatever you want - 1 or 4 ohms. Same with D4 - 2 or 8 ohms. Just be sure your amplifier can run at the desired ohm load.
  16. The enD

    Worst Movie You've Ever Seen

    That's because the title of the movie is Worst Movie You've Ever Seen. You're the only fairy here who has seen the movie. Since I have a penis, when my wife and daughter watch it I go do something else.... So you are going to tell us a bad porn movie then?
  17. The enD

    0 gauge wire

    www.weldingsupply.com ebay For even cheaper... some used on the forums.
  18. The enD


    Subwoofer Wiring It is spelled "they're or they are" ...
  19. The enD

    Sundown SA-8 Pre-Sale

  20. The enD

    What amp???

    What about two used SAZ-1500D ? Sounds cheap.
  21. The enD

    Lexan as a front face for my sub box?

    130? That's too much man. Why don't you go with MDF and make a big window in it, not just the whole front side of the box from plexy. One trick you can do with LED's is you can frost them with sand paper. That way the light is not like a beam but like a glow. And better put them in the box a way that they cannot be seen, only the light from em. If it was me I would go with something not so colorful. Simple sometimes is better. You can go with blue, baby blue, white and so on. I am not a fan of all these different light at the same time, like a Christmas tree.
  22. The enD

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Hey M5, what do you do for living Just wondering.
  23. The enD

    Sundown Audio amp

    Exactly why do you care? Would you stop buying Sundown Audio or something?
  24. The enD

    Split Port

    No. You can enter your port specifications in this site and see the length. Then type 2 for ports instead of 1 and see what happens... double and more for port length. PORT Size Calculations and Formulas for WOOFER and Subwoofer BOXES