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The enD

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Everything posted by The enD

  1. The enD

    Fiberglassing the Inside

    I summoned him, the all mighty Sean. jk Actually I didn't. I chat him him often and I asked him about fiberglass and boxes and he says it is cool. Then after some time I see this thread and saying all this things about fiberglass so I wanted him to comment, but rather in the chat program not here... Then I saw he wrote and got my "comment on this thread" wrong But he hates misinformation so...
  2. The enD

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I had always wondered about that before. Our evolution of eating has gone from 1 big meal (scavengers eating as much as they can and storing it as fat because of long intervals between meals) to 3 square meals a day to having 6 meals a day. I always wondered about sleep following suit. Sleeping = waste of time More on the subject.
  3. Me friends English no good.
  4. The enD

    Welcome to the IHoP

    can't .... stop.... downloading.... flac
  5. The enD

    Welcome to the IHoP

  6. The enD

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Bulgarian girls ftw
  7. The enD

    sealed and ported enclosure

    Ugh... Here are some xcon sealed or ported - SSA Car Audio Forum 1 SSD 18" ported or 2 SSD 18" sealed - SSA Car Audio Forum Sealed or ported? - SSA Car Audio Forum sealed and ported? - SSA Car Audio Forum Want to know more. Use the search button
  8. Here I can't reply as I have no experience in this. I was just giving you some ideas as I once thought making a wall and asked around what should I do. A friend of mine that has being competing for 13 or so year advised me that the best way will be to do a cage and then build the box/wall inside it. I've seen two wall builds done with a cage. One is in progress in Build Logs I cant recall thread name but he is using Sundown, one is already done by Blade Ice from UK and he has a build log here with TONS of pics and I am sure he won't ignore your PM's with questions. Hope I helped. PM: If you can't find the two threads shoots me a PM. (master seacher )
  9. i was thinking of using 1\8" thick steel all the way around and angle iron on the corners. Of course though, a cage only helps on the areas that it is attached at to the enclosure. Yeah but you can use more and seldom "ribs" You get the idea. That way the box will be supported all the way around and with the ribs being more closer to each other the less weak points will be.
  10. The enD

    Welcome to the IHoP

  11. The enD

    SSAudio :)

    Happy birthday Mark!
  12. The enD

    8 12s, 6 15s, or 4 18

    lol welcome to car audio. I suggest you NOT to look in the threads in Build Logs here at SSA, you may have a heath attack. lol just j/k. One more vote for 6 15's.
  13. It will be nice if you make a before/after test to see how much gain there will be. If you consider to resin, you can sand it with water sandpaper and after that polish it for even smoother effect.
  14. The enD

    4Runner rebuild....Cant let it all go,

    My dad owns a 4Runner. Awesome vehicle to drive. Waiting for pictures of the progress For design help, I think there are some ready made on SSA's page.
  15. How do you guys crimp larger ring terminals? - SSA Car Audio Forum Just searched "crimp" in the search field
  16. For all R35 GTR lovers . Watch in HD,full screen, turn up the volume to enjoy the car's awesome sound and soundtrack from MJ Music(that guy makes some insane beats).
  17. The enD

    4 DP21 4th Order Build

    Snakes in a car. LOL Nice build man.
  18. The enD

    "The Pimp Van" Rebuild

    It's beautiful. Great job!
  19. The enD

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Looks fake.
  20. The enD

    Term-lab Alternative

    Check this out. Looks better than TL to me. Russian Customer SA-12 on Music / DB Meter - SSA Car Audio Forum
  21. The enD

    Welcome to the IHoP

    You know there's a thread to post such pictures?