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The enD

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Everything posted by The enD

  1. The enD

    ArgentAudio.com | new site!!!

    I'm free this week When the time comes I'll talk with you for assistance about making one. For now no point occupying you with my bs. Your sites and the ones you have worked on are top notch, Mark. Keep doing what you do best.
  2. The enD

    'How to behave on an internet forum'

  3. The enD

    ArgentAudio.com | new site!!!

    Beautiful site. Now I want one too...
  4. The enD

    A day in the life of a Car Audio Forum

    Doesn't apply to SSA thought
  5. The enD

    Enclosure Build for Hove (One 18 Inch AA Mayhem)

    Andrew can you shoot some videos? Maybe time laps build of a box and would definitely appreciate a vid of how you carper your boxes.
  6. The enD

    TeamSSA Disclaimer | This will be funny

    Check out this song's intro : thuggish ruggish bassmix .mp3
  7. The enD

    Termlab results + Cops in my yard!

    151.7 with single baffle ?
  8. The enD

    Funny Pictures

    Already made the same thread The Random Picture Thread - SSA Car Audio Forum
  9. The enD

    Welcome to the IHoP

    About everything... and nothing.
  10. The enD

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Google>stupid answered Q
  11. The enD

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Today I woke up with some bad pain in the head. It comes from time to time. Just nothing and then... bam . Can the source be my wisdom tooth? I've seen people removing them, do they cause pain?
  12. That does not mean you couldn't take like 30-50 $ from everyone who wanted a meter, so they won't back up afterward.
  13. The enD

    yeaaaaa 150 db.

    Boo, liar. It was Sean Belanger, Jake have done that but with 2 8's.
  14. Why didn't you take some money in advance ? It was expected to happen like this.
  15. Did this long time ago. Nothing good came out :/
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n0Tms8xSo9Y Song begins at 1:44 Would be nice if someone knows and want to share the name. Thanks.
  17. The enD

    The Random Funny Picture Thread

  18. The enD

    Extreme Overkill Sound Deadening Without Compromise

    I don't know what your problem is, but when I click on the link, I'm given the option of seeing it full screen. How to post pictures in a thread - SSA Car Audio Forum
  19. The enD

    New HD cam testing.....tell me what ya think!

    Will tell you after some bass vids. A good cam has to pick up bass nice, you know. Hope it has a nice microphone. And shoot some woofer porn.
  20. The enD

    Ambient air temperature effect db?

    I know that: Amps and alternators like lower temps. Batteries, subwoofers like it warm. Batteries cause of the stuff inside and the chemical reactions being more intense in warmer environment, and woofers because of the soft part, when it's could they tend to get stiff.
  21. The enD

    Happy Birth Day to Alton

    Just wanted to say happy birth day to Alton. All the best... happyness, health, family and friend, money I guess. Great guy to talk to, lots of knowledge. :woot: