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The enD

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Everything posted by The enD

  1. Tell your dad if he does not stop browsing at porn sites you'll have to buy a new PC
  2. So it was good enough before, it is just getting slower? Sounds like you need to reinstall Windows XP. 4. Freshly reinstalled PC, save money.
  3. The enD

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I have OC my at 50% and am very happy with the results. And most of the part were not bought from the same place. Just took it all home, put it all together, installed my illegal copy of win7 and... and then ?
  4. The enD

    Welcome to the IHoP

    For real basic shit. Newegg.com - Acer Aspire Revo AR3610-U9022 Intel Atom 330(1.60GHz) 2GB DDR2 160GB NVIDIA ION graphics Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit Newegg.com - Acer Aspire AX3300-U1322 Athlon II X4 620(2.6GHz) 4GB DDR3 1TB NVIDIA GeForce 9200 Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit That will do many thing more than browse and can be good for many years(performance wise). Idk who needs 6 gigs of ram and 1 TB HDD for browsing but hey... And you need to buy a monitor too . Newegg.com - Acer Aspire AX3950-U2042 Intel Core i3 540(3.06GHz) 6GB DDR3 1TB Intel GMA HD Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit
  5. The enD

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Well, not super super fast gaming PC but it will be awesome for what you pay for it.
  6. The enD

    Welcome to the IHoP

    from the sounds of it something running a 64 bit OS with a good chunk of RAM and you should be set. I garuntee my quad core would be more than enough for his needs, but since the I cores are out you could get an i3 or i5. Sean just slapped together something pretty good for real real cheep recently I know. I think he used an i3. Does the size of the case matter? You could just use the old case and same some $ though. What do you think the budget is? Size of the case doesn't matter. For budget I'll say $600. I will also have to buy an OS. Should I go Win7 or stick with XP? What do I need to look for in a case? I saw this combo on new egg that looks pretty good. Newegg.com - Computer Parts, PC Components, Laptop Computers, LED LCD TV, Digital Cameras and more! 600$ is too much for a PC that is only going to be browsing, checking emails, watching movies and other easy tasks. I have a dual core E4500, 2 gigs of ram, some decent mobo, some decent PSU and that's it. Perfect for everything your father will be doing. For 600$ I can build myself super fast gaming setup... If you have a friend who is into PC's maybe he can hook you up with something custom made and cheap. And go with Windows 7, I am happy with it. And didn't pay for it too. DL for free.
  7. The enD

    Interesting BS on CACO

    I have made too many friend here to go somewhere else and it will take me more time to do the same there. lol Great forum guys. Can't wait to put my build and get some comments from you.
  8. Looking at these two do you think music is the same as sine waves ? Music... in real time the pillar are moving like crazy. Sine :
  9. The enD

    Audio Security

    Jeez don't you have garages in America? I know you don't always park your car at home(at friends,when you are at the shop), but I see some parking in their driveway at night?
  10. The enD

    Happy Birth Day to Jacob

    I just wanted to say Happy Birth Day to Jake. Don't stop being awesome. Great Customers Service and product. Have fun.
  11. The enD

    Welcome to the IHoP

    When God gives you lemons, you find yourself another God.
  12. The enD

    Team Decent "Punisher" Build

  13. I've send a pictures once, worked. Maybe use some IM program to send files all day long?
  14. The enD

    SSA Tattoo | Update: Video P2!

    DO IT
  15. Why are you asking? When playing music 3kw amp won't put out 3kw all the time. There are many things to consider.
  16. The enD

    DP 21" Daily?

    Most of the people I have asked tell me that too much power for DAILY is kinda wasted money. You are doubling your expenses. One more amp, more wire, more juice... for what? Your ears won't hear much of a difference.
  17. The enD

    DP 21" Daily?

    My vote is an used SAZ-1500D for around 300$ and use the other money on batteries, wire, deadning, front stage... etc.
  18. The enD

    How to post pictures in a thread

    Thank you. Trying to be helpful.
  19. The enD

    BanginGMC's short video

    Don't you have respect to your neighbours? Nice LONG! video btw.
  20. The enD

    How to post pictures in a thread

    Horny mofo Not doing it for you. Just showing the magic of posting pictures I don't know if it is the same girl. I am bad with faces, what do you think?
  21. The enD

    How to post pictures in a thread

    How to post pictures "Build Log" style > many pictures at the same time : Lets say you just get some new stuff, install it and take like 10-15 or more pictures. Repeat step 1 and 2. But instead of selecting one pictures you can hold Ctrl or just choose with the mouse what you want to upload. Then you get to this point, in the right bottom corner you see the codes, copy them You paste the whole thing in your post and type the code at the end of the first code. The you copy and paste it behind every single one. For fast copy paste always use Ctrl+V for paste and Ctrl+C for copy. Picture: * I haven't done the last 2 You do the same with the beginning, the code is the same but with " / " You are done.
  22. The enD

    Sub Comparison pics

    How to post pictures in a thread - SSA Car Audio Forum
  23. The enD

    4" midbass drivers

    Exactly. Here is one of the many examples you can find here in the Build Log section. dodge magnum - SSA Car Audio Forum
  24. The enD

    4" midbass drivers

    how would i be able to go bigger if my car only take's 4 inch on the door's You fabricate things so it fits. That's what 99% of the forum does. Making stock into something completely new.