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The enD

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Everything posted by The enD

  1. The enD

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Wagon's are making a come back! I have nothing against wagons, but they just ruined one of sexiest cars in my eyes.
  2. The enD

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I want here on vacation!
  3. The enD

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Smart baby is smart.
  4. The enD

    Welcome to the IHoP

  5. The enD

    Welcome to the IHoP

    http://www.autoblog....on/med/#1418179 Awful, just awful. :|
  6. The enD

    Now Playing!

  7. The enD

    Welcome to the IHoP

    What is that suppose to resemble ?
  8. The enD

    Project Sexyface Box! LMS Love!

    lol, how mature. Whatever.
  9. The enD

    Project Sexyface Box! LMS Love!

    Ugly box, sorry. But the important thing is to do its job.
  10. The enD

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Steaks ftw.
  11. Hey guys, I am looking for a design for a 12 inch subwoofer box. The thing is that it has to be with kerfed port and flushed driver, 1.75 cub feet for a SA-12 tuned to 35hz. The closed thing I was able to find were these two but no kerfing and the second one is a bit bigger than needed(double baffle will be just redone as flush mount). Does anyone have any already made ones or can help with redoing these? If it was not a kerfed box I would just put another sheet on top for flush mount but it has to be on the inside and that will mess up the net volume. I am just new to all this... Thanks! http://www.soundsolu...all-ported.html http://www.soundsolu...all-ported.html
  12. The enD

    Need help with a box for a 12

    What can I say, bromo is awesome.
  13. The enD

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Headshot. Double Kill
  14. The enD

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Boom Headshot
  15. The enD

    Enclosure Build for Hove (Two 18 Inch Sundown NSv2's)

    It's > Bulgaria < and yes, they are nice Now Andrew posts more pictures.
  16. The enD

    Need help with a box for a 12

    Writing to Bromo as I type this. ☻
  17. The enD

    Think these will smoke?

    Waste of money in my opinion. Unless you are upgrading.
  18. The enD

    4 Sundown Nightshade V.2's on 8000 watts

    He was asked at what frequency was the score...
  19. The enD

    Need help with a box for a 12

    Great, thanks. How does that look to you guys? I took the dimension of the first linked box, added an extra baffle and shorted the ports length until I get the desired frequency of 35hz.
  20. The enD

    Welcome to the IHoP

    win7 > GodMode create new folder with this name:GodMode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C} open GodMode