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Everything posted by lrfag

  1. would any suggest a certain daily driver subwoofer that has a good clean sound not boomy or dirty to fight the battle of acoustics in my convertible? thanks
  2. His signature thing says he has a pair of Pioneer 6 x 8 3 ways in the back. It's a 1991 mustang convertible
  3. i was leaning more towards loud i just dont want it really sloppy. i was looking at a 12" fi ssd or 12" re audio srx
  4. well comapred to a normal hard top car. convertibles lose alot of the sound because it has a weaker surface to bounce off of sound gets aborbed right into the soft top.
  5. do subwoofers still sound good in convertibles this is my first build thanks!
  6. what is the best fi 12" sub for a daily driver? thanks
  7. lrfag

    whats better for a daily driver

    so wiil a sub still sound good in a convertible this is my first build
  8. lrfag

    whats better for a daily driver

    no problem man. but if you dont mind me asking.. where'd u find out about Fi subs? i already think i know friends haha aww i was wrong.. unless you're friends with ***** ***** lol haha no. but i know who your talking about ,i dont know why it stars it
  9. need to get a sub for the lowss

  10. need to get a sub for the lowss

  11. need to get a sub for the lowss

  12. lrfag

    whats better for a daily driver

    no problem man. but if you dont mind me asking.. where'd u find out about Fi subs? i already think i know friends
  13. lrfag

    whats better for a daily driver

    okay thanks!
  14. lrfag

    whats better for a daily driver

    im looking for one around 150 200ish and smallest box size b/c i have a convertible
  15. lrfag

    whats better for a daily driver

    do all of them have that option?