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Everything posted by Soapbox

  1. I posted a 143.5 for california state championship in AS2
  2. Soapbox

    California State Champion

    I posted 1st in my class with sundown amps too. California State Champion AS2 Soapbox
  3. Soapbox

    10" Fi BL SPL changes

    Price for the pair?
  4. Soapbox


  5. Soapbox


    From the album: tattoo

  6. Soapbox

    b fly

    From the album: tattoo

  7. Soapbox


    What happened to the second skin e-mail specials which seemed frequent?
  8. Ohio generator is worth checking out!
  9. Chicagofan get a Asus eeepc for 3 bills stays charged for 12 hrs plus

    1. porkchop


      i have no idea what you just said.... !

    2. mccleery3


      I have a computer, just no internet service atm...FTL

  10. Soapbox

    ShiZZZoN's Build Log

    Shizzon what class are you in?
  11. Soapbox

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    I used the pap for the state finals run. I did change to dual 1 ohm but I also lost a db. I did have some stresses running the pap though. I ordered the recone like 2 weeks ago contingent upon getting it before the finals .... well he waited so late that I had to glue it the night before the event. On that note he did overnight the package. The shirt arrived yesterday Thank you Chop.
  12. Soapbox

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    So how does California State Champion in AS2 sound? Not to mention State Record holder. I'm 2 db off of National Record in the AS2 class. I posted 142.5 with Sundown 1500 on a 80 amp fuse 1yellowtop battery and the car off.
  13. Soapbox

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    Rank you know State finals are this weekend. In Visialia it's like a 3 hr drive.
  14. Soapbox

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    Hawk you had better make the State Finals this weekend even if it's just to support me! My recone is ordered and paul said it was almost done however he hasn't sent me a shipping number... were cutting it close. I'm getting worried I'll get my butt handed to me at the finals running the 8's in AS2 class. I wish they would keep the scores updated on the meca site!!!! I haven't seen any post better than my scores in California but..... I'm realy waffling on what to run and what class. HElP. Here are my options 1- SA 8 and a 30 amp fuse AS1.... I should beable to repeat the 137.5 as long as the fuse holds out long enough for a score to register on the tl. 3 - SA-8's and a 80 amp fuse AS2. Some where around 139-140 If the dang pap comes in I changed the coil configuration to dual 1 ohm. I have NO idea what it will post. With the dual 2 I posted like 143. If I can repeat this it should set a state record! Biggest bummer is I neglected to sign up as a meca member so even though I will most like have the record it will be un offical FTL because I don't have 35 points going into the event. I'm planning a new build tax return is for sure getting a 7-12 k amp.... And I'm looking for a crx now. Keep your eyes out for reviews of the DDM4a for me please.
  15. Soapbox

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    http://www.youtube.com/user/The661goodtimes#p/u/13/SuQZM3MV8pM Testing with 1 sa 8
  16. Soapbox

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    I took home 1st place AS 2 3 sa8's and a handful of fuses I had them wired to .3 this resulted in 137.9 However, my testing is all over the place I was able to post a 135.7 with one sa-8. Back to the wood shed for another box. So far the PAP has scored the highest. 144.9 I need a recone!
  17. Soapbox

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    Chop did you ever get a tattoo with that machine I sent you?
  18. Soapbox

    Anyone Running 3-4 SA-8's on 1200-1500 rms?

    Chicagofan posted up some scores with 4 Steve Mead ran 4 off a 3500 I've ran several configurations and am working on a crx box for 3 currently. I hit 137.5 on the thermlab @ 55 in my Honda Fit with 1 SA - 8 SAZ 1500 @ 1 ohm I found the magic db formula for my car and the sa 8 hopefully I can get 2-3 db each with the addition of 2 more. Same car with a 15" Cascade omega @ 1ohm = 144 Install dependent for sure. I've fabricated ed up some crappy designs too. 3 in a 1.8 with 2 aeros= 134.5 2 in a t-line = 135 1 in a .8 = 137 aero 2 in a kerf port 2.4= 135 From my testing I have found out .8 works best for me; with the 1500. I wouldn't have any reservations on trying 3500.
  19. Soapbox

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    I've been testing away. 143.9 with the PAP. 2.5 cubes ported peaks @ 57 137.5 with one SA 8. .8 cubed ported peaks @ 55 I still have 3 more SA-8's but my best score is with the single sub go figure. I need to know where to spend my energy. Do I continue to work with the PAP? and try different boxes? Do I build 3 more identical boxes to the single box and stack them? I have tried 2 different configureations of pairs (one common chamber the other a t-line) these never posted any higher than 135 I also tried one common box with 3 8's @ .6 cu per ported to 47. This one SUCKED poor loading and poor score.
  20. Soapbox

    Dynomite SA-8

    Well I have 4 sa-8's and have messed around with 5 different boxes with different configurations. I posted my best score today using MECA AS2 specs. I scored a 137.5 on a single 8" sub. This smoked several larger systems built by people who didn't know any better.
  21. Soapbox

    Dynomite SA-8

    His was a show install... poor box and an enclosed amp with no cooling. The harder he pushed it the hotter it got.
  22. Soapbox

    Dynomite SA-8

    look in my gallery for some of the box configurations. For sound quality the 2 8's in the tline is the best. Currently for burps the single sub configuration measuring 12x12x16 with a external 4" aero and 45's for bracing in the corrners
  23. Soapbox

    Dynomite SA-8

    One guy pulled out of the lane when he couldn't break the number with 2 HCCA 12's and a HIFONICS BRUTUS BRZ2400.1D.
  24. Soapbox

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    The fun has only begun Steve. With all of this responsibility make sure to instill biblical teachings. If you raise him in the ways of the Lord he'll always return to the fold. Truly you deserve Heartfelt Congratulations!