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Everything posted by Soapbox

  1. Soapbox

    Sundown SA-8 Pre-Sale

    Jacob I have been estimating the SD for renderings. What is the SD? So I'm not spinning my wheels. Thx
  2. Soapbox

    What is your favorite breakfast?

    Biskets and Gravy and of course a Salted pork product....
  3. Soapbox

    She's finaly here!

    I thought her name was LuWanda
  4. Soapbox

    dd 9500 vs btl. who wins in output?

    Hijack Shizzzon could you direct me "where there's a user doin over a 150 with a single 8" I would love to read as much as I can about the install Spanks errr Thanks
  5. Soapbox

    Sundown SA-8 Pre-Sale

    Here's a single box I worked out. It turned is turning out nice. I just need to get a flush trim bit to trim the baffle. Height 16 Width 16 Depth 12 Area 1.28 cu ft Gross Port Height 1 Width 10.5 Length 25 Tune to 33 Hz Cut Sheet Baffle 16 x 12 Bottom 16 x 12 Sides 10.5 x 14.5 Front and back 16 x 14.5 Jacob if you approve I'll leave it up just let me know. Port 10.5 x 12.25 10.5 x 12.75 Net volume (deduct port and sub displacement) .92 cu ft I fabbed up the box put in the port and then use the router to cut out the mouth of the port.
  6. Soapbox

    Sundown SA-8 Pre-Sale

    What is the Xmax for the SA-8
  7. Soapbox

    Small system Big Sound

    I've got a couple of questions for ya. I recently purchased an saz1500 with the intent of running only one SA8 (d2). Which I have already purchased too. The goal is a tight musical system for daily driver. The concept for the box - install is to build box tall and set in the corner of the hatch back leaving room for groceries. I have approximately 2 cu ft to work with. I would like to have the ported box portion on top of a battery compartment using the same enclosure. Here are some questions 1. Will I have battery problems because of the vibes from the box? 2. Will 1500 be too much for one 8? 3. Is a second battery needed? Vehicle 2009 Honda Fit Stock HU Stock elect Big 3 upgraded
  8. Soapbox

    Small system Big Sound

    Jay-cee, thanks for the reply. It narrows my concept of design; yet begs to question. 1. You mention a Xstatic Batcap 800, IYHO (in your humble opinion) would this specific batcap work well with the SAZ 1500? As stated above I did order a D2 thus my wiring options are either 1 or 4 ohm. 2. Can I run a one 2 ohm dual and one 4 ohm dual? 2a. Is this correct I would run series/parallel (for a 1.5 ohm load)? 3. Would a 1.5 ohm load on a saz 1500 equate to approximately 1200 watts? I don't fully understand the theory behind a battcap. 4. If I were to use a battcap would I still need an extra battery?
  9. Soapbox

    Sundown speaker guage

    What gauge of wire will your Sub's push connectors accept. Specifically the new 8's?
  10. Soapbox

    8x Used SAZ-1500Ds Available - $350 each

    Thank you for the amp. I would've never been able to get one if it were not for the used price. I am very happy with this purchase. Soapbox
  11. Soapbox

    Tickets for loud music

    Ambient noise on California's High ways is a documented 104 db min. Therefore, it is highly doubtful that an officer can hear from within his vehicle to prove this fact. I'm an engineer for the State of California highway department. If you have problems in California on a state road let me know. I can provide you with enough data that should trump any peace officer. Noise levels for State owned roads is readily available. see anything in there about subwoofers only? nope, me either. wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  12. Soapbox

    8x Used SAZ-1500Ds Available - $350 each

    Argg .. I re read them and they weren't worth bothering you. I posted money today.
  13. Uhm, so as I understand this will over ride the existing regulator. My issue is with my "Honda Fit" aftermarket alts are not available nor is there enough room inside my case to re wind the existing alt. The existing ECU and charging circuit is RPM based and therefore doesn't charge at idle and low RPM. Would the VCM address this issue? Soapbox
  14. Soapbox

    8x Used SAZ-1500Ds Available - $350 each

    Are my e-mails getting lost? Soapbox Just waiting for a reply prior to posting money
  15. Soapbox

    Welcome to the IHoP

    A couple of my other obsessions: The other one is coming soon I have to shrink the photo
  16. Soapbox


    Hope the Turkey is moist, the ham is spiral, and there is plenty of PIE. Enjoy your nap afterwords.
  17. Soapbox

    Running 3000D at .25

    Thanks. for the info
  18. Soapbox

    Sundown SA-8 Pre-Sale

    Why did you tune to 53 for our numbers when the above post say's " We suggest 0.6 - 1 cube ported tuned to 30-40 hz based on your goals and preferences? "? 53 is fine for me I'm just wondering about your tuning philosophy.
  19. As a dad-grandpa ect I have all purchased all the aforementioned players. I like the zune's we have 3 of them 2 30's and a 16 for ease of use and hd quality the zunes are by far the best.
  20. Yea I'm additced Gamer tag SinH8r
  21. Soapbox

    Black Friday sales on SSA forums?

    SWEET this is when I'll pull the trigger