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Everything posted by Soapbox

  1. Soapbox

    installed my SAZ-1500. Wow!

    Dude I'm jealous.
  2. Soapbox

    external ports?

    a full 4" port is a little over 15" I'll measure one later I have 3 sitting here. I don't want to argue here is the manufactures site for aero ports Calc Excuse me a full length port in 1.8 = 33
  3. Soapbox

    external ports?

    slim down the box to 1.8 yields 32 tuning.
  4. Soapbox

    external ports?

    2 cubes is leaning towards the large size, in fact .6 is the optimum. Yes 1 full length 4" aero port works perfect.
  5. Soapbox

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    Whats the schoop with Steve and the Doh I killed an SA-8?
  6. Soapbox

    Sundown SA-8 Pre-Sale

    Jacob are you going to restock prior to running out?
  7. That thing is HUGE! Try 3 times the area as needed when using the normal one.
  8. Soapbox

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    I want to see the braces for the 4" psp's
  9. Soapbox

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    Yea I'll have some time. Especially if it's a Friday or a Monday because of furloughs. Yea I have the most of the Big 3. All I have left is to the long run to the back from the battery to the battery. I'm on hold for a few until I get my 4 channel issues resolved. I'll have to ship back the 1000d and then wait for the replacement to get sent back. A friend of mine is going to do the big run and swap out the plug to run the high current signal to the audio control LC6i and run the speaker wires and RCA's all at once. I'll need help setting up the lc6i it has several selections. Setting up the cross overs on the SAX 100.4. If you can do a Monday or a Friday let me know asap because I'll need to make sure to schedule it off.
  10. Soapbox

    What is the fastest you have gone

    157 on the sv1000s but it isn't uncommon to travel 145 for an hour at a time. The evo will do somewhere around 145 140 in the 1/4 in my 68 Camero
  11. Soapbox

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    Hope everyone is feeling better. I'll pray for traveling mercy for those of you whom are on the road. Enjoy worship service and the Family get together. Chop don't dye your fingers coloring eggs with your grandson.
  12. Soapbox

    best size speaker wire for 1200watts

    Google speaker wire chart and you'll find what your looking for. wire calc
  13. Soapbox

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    The mix-up with shipping was handled today. I know Jacob has good customer service but even when I offered to pay the extra shipping he didn't take me up on it. Typo on my part substituted a z for an x and a miss communication on his by adding a 0. I'm not use to such good service. With out a doubt he'll end up with more of my money.
  14. Soapbox

    Port Velocity

    I don't fully understand Port Velocity. Using BBP I can figure the velocity but at what are the acceptable limits prior to encountering negative effects?
  15. Soapbox

    Port Velocity

    Thanks Jay. Exactly what I wanted to know.
  16. Soapbox

    Port Velocity

    Dude where have you ever read that I design t-lines to my recollection I have said I have a t-line designs for 2 sa-8. And that is about it. There aren't but a couple of people I disdain and it seems your one of them. Now if you would like to share some of your knowledge I'll gladly read it for what it's worth. I am pretty active in reading on this forum and it seems 90% of your remarks are prideful or haughty. Only a fool thinks he knows everything.
  17. Soapbox

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    On a lighter note I started another box and Birch was only 6 bux more than mdf.
  18. Soapbox

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    Don't feel to bad I haven't been able to finish my install either. I ordered the 4 channel and I think the wrong amp got sent. I double checked all of my e-mails they say sax100d and the fedex shipping thing says 1000d. With 2 model numbers so close and ending with a D I could see how this mistake could happen.
  19. x2 or the sundowns. While I'm waiting on my other amp I've been running 2 of them on 1/4 the power and they sound excellent! I can hardly wait to run the at rms.
  20. Soapbox

    Sundown SA-8 Pre-Sale

    ha next mth I'm most likely ordering more I already have 4
  21. Soapbox

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    Next time I measure the car I am going to make foot print patterns prior to building the darn thing. My boxes fit but there is no room for the battery or either of the amps!!!!
  22. Soapbox

    XXX 15 Hybrids Super Flex

    There's no chocolate like nestles quick
  23. Soapbox

    SA-8 Power vs. Box Size

    Thanks for the info. With widely varying applications this helps narrow down the field of options.
  24. Soapbox

    Feedback on SSA Customer Service

    This is integrity and humility at it's finest "I apologize." If I could only teach the concept to more people the world would be a better place. Dude nothing is worth a pissed off wife! Plenty of bad things can happen: burnt dinner, starched underwear, spending spree and on and on.
  25. Soapbox

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    I'm broke down but I did purchase the sax 100d for the front stage.