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Everything posted by hardrock2401

  1. hardrock2401

    2 Fi SSD 12'' Setup Help

    1000rms lol, Give us a budget that you are trying to work with...will help us alot in tryin to help u
  2. hardrock2401

    2 Fi SSD 12'' Setup Help

    he may not NEED 1k per sub, but who doesnt WANT
  3. hardrock2401

    2 Fi SSD 12'' Setup Help

    Id go with a good 2000-2500rms amp, depends on your budget as to what brands.... 1/0 wire will be a must, do the big 3 and a 2nd batt and your good to go Edit* Welcome to the forum by the way
  4. hardrock2401

    Your Thoughts on a Daily Sub

    Fi FTW, go with an American sub
  5. hardrock2401

    box build for 15" dcon. :)

    Box is sick man.... and that shop is just a box builders dream Nother thing, u know u can't have all these pics and no videos right....haha
  6. hardrock2401

    2004 Impala - Fi BTL 18" N2

    there we go hahaha....nice build man, great equipment
  7. hardrock2401

    18" Fi BTL N2

    nothing installed though lol
  8. hardrock2401

    18" Fi BTL N2

    You know u cant post a thread on here like this and and not have videos and pics right...hahaha
  9. hardrock2401

    re xxx 12 problem

    Fi for a recone imo
  10. hardrock2401

    I sent my sub in almost a month ago and heard nothing

    Did u send a warrenty card in with the sub, stating coil option...etc?
  11. hardrock2401

    single 12 death row

    nice score man...u know we are gonna need a build log for the 2 15s right if you need some box help or designs p.m. me
  12. hardrock2401

    Strange noise on BTL N2 at higher frequency bass

    Well the coil looks fine, deff not black as the other pic showed lol
  13. hardrock2401

    Test tracks for a new sub install

    download some bass mekanik or decaf...thats all thats needed lol
  14. hardrock2401

    4" vc Fi BL 12

  15. hardrock2401

    My first hair trick!

    awesome man, port area ftw....hows that z sound on music?
  16. hardrock2401

    SA12 vs Lethal Injections

    Incriminator does no mass advertising like sundown does, they are both great subs....but i would choose the IA just to be different
  17. hardrock2401

    Back at it again build

    thanks again for the posts, today i put on my first coat of paint....after hours of sanding the thing
  18. hardrock2401

    SA12 vs Lethal Injections

    pretty much
  19. hardrock2401

    SA12 vs Lethal Injections

    i have no expierience with either, sure both are great...but i would go with IA just to be different
  20. hardrock2401

    Back at it again build

    Thanks chicagofan well I just picked up the 3rd part of my system last night, db drive a7 okur 2k.... so as of now I have my box done (still has to get painted), NSB100, and now this. I have ordered a sub and will post up some pics soon as its dropped off.
  21. Figured lol, but on a side note....what would cause a deck to do that? Just old age, cheap build, mix of the both?
  22. I just got my amp yesturday and whenever I power on my indash or change songs the sub has like a popping feedback that comes through. I have been trying to find similar problem on here and always sounds like people point out a cheap indash as the problem (my indash is a cheap kenwood lol). What are your guys opinions.
  23. hardrock2401

    Back at it again build

    thanks man