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Everything posted by aimone

  1. aimone

    New box builder

    ok i used an ssa xcon box design to show u this. the "L" shaped board i made "lime green" in the pic is the "PORT LENGTH". from the front edge of the box to the very end of that "L" is your length. and the "RED" line i made is your "width". also the 12volt calc is crap. i've used every box and port calc's online seeing as i'm cheap and would rather have an ugly box then pay a bunch of money to have one built. i am still trying to completely figure that torrez one out but from what others have said its a very good one. the only other one i found thats closest to being right is the RE box calc which is simple and here's a link. RE Enclosure Calculator on this calc just put your dimensions where the numbers are red. and on port length, width, etc. just play with the widths and lengths till you get a tuning ur happy with. if its for daily i recommend 33hz-37hz. i tuned at 30hz it was only good for lows.then i tuned at 40hz and didnt hit the lows like i wanted. then i went with 33hz which fosgate recommends for my sub and it was perfect for my sub and other 15's i tried in this box
  2. go with the knuconceptz like alton said quality product, minimal resistance, and since its 8ga u wont need to buy new wire if/when u getmore power
  3. aimone

    BanginGMC's Build Log | The Rebuild

    i'm ready to see pics of them beastly ass subs.......COME MAN UPDATE!!!!
  4. aimone

    walled probe gt (VIDS)

    i've been seein ur vids for atleast a year from back when i bought some treo te 15's........ good to finally see u on this board
  5. aimone

    Brandon's F-150

    u know ur loud when u keep a pair of ear plugs in the passenger door lol
  6. aimone

    Loud Work Truck with 2 18's & 2 15's

    people always tell me on here dont mix sub sizes cause they cancel each other out which obviously looks like b.s...hows it sound inside?
  7. man i just went thru this shit with my saz1500 cause i've never had a nice enough amp to have ssf until now. download some test tones play a few tones below what ur tuned at. start with ssf bout halfway up crank the test tone to ur normal listenin level and ease the ssf down until u think its gonna hurt ur subs if u go any lower. then turn it back up just a smigden so it sounds safe. it took me forever to figure it out.
  8. aimone

    Take responsibility when driving!

    dude i couldnt even make it 1/2 way thru its been 10 mins and i still got goose bumps and shivers down my spine. i have a 3yr old son myself and fuck man that just fucked me up a lil bit. i made it to the baby flyin thru the windshield. and couldnt watch anymore.
  9. aimone

    Fi IB3 22

    every time i see ur setup i literally blert out "whats the pucking point?" ur waisting all that room on 2 subs. that look retarded in such big box's. why not get real subs and ditch that infinite baffle b.s. i dont know shit bout home theatre but im positive i've had my bedroom doin the same shit with 2 entry level treo 15's and a 500.2 fosgate amp powered by a psu that couldnt fully push the amp while watching movies on my laptop. but to each his own i guess even if its special olympics status
  10. aimone

    My Death Row 12" build

    nice job on the box and custom grill
  11. damn duran we r both thinkin the same things lol..... when i seen 2.5" coil i sighed and thought about a 4" lol..... so skar once/if these sell good and the company grows u gonna build some big boy woofers? ya know like nightshade or xcon level? also a ? if i push these and get people to buy them can i get a discount when the 15's drop? and how many would it take lol
  12. im with duran on this one wuts up on bigger? like 15's 18's. if u had them sizes i'd or some on payday
  13. aimone

    looking to get a new(to me) ride

    maybe an s15 ext cab i found for $1200 mint cond. old man owned since new. or a 90' nissan 240sx coupe great cond. for $1200 my dad found a 00' honda dunno if its a civic or accord for the same price the girl bought a brand new car and just wants it out of her driveway screw saturns man there basically made of plastic. most models. and 90% are ugly. but thanks for the input
  14. ok so im about to start a new job. im gonna find a dealership havin a good sale, ya know zero down or close to it and the first months payment. im looking to get something small hatchback or suv. and i'm not getting something new just new to me and newer that my 76 caprice. and alot better on gas lol..... so i'm just Indecisive and thats why im asking what you guys think i should get. i had a 91 civic hatch a few yrs back and loved it. but the downside is i cant spit without hitting a civic around here, plus ppl be jacking and stripping them with a quickness. i'm also leaning towards an s-10 blazer with the 4.3L, older box model, i just dont wanna have to spend the money to stop the nasty roof flex those have with a system but then im leanin towards an astro van. have room to get loud and still have passenger room. another plus to an astro is its a minivan so cops wont dick with me as bad. i dunno what would you guys recommend 80's to early 90's w/out a trunk with spl potential while maintaining good gas mileage
  15. aimone

    help powering saz1500 in house

    lol damn right ......ghetto-tech to be exact. why drop a fat wad of cash on sumthing when u can improvise for like half the price or free when u got stuff layin around. hell at one point i had 3 psu's running 3 amps all mounted to my wall 1 dinky cheap amp on my highs, 1 on a kicker l7 8 under my bed, and 1 on 2 10's. wires running everywhere lol everything hooked to my laptop. i'll admit i was on a large ammount of a controlled substance but hey my room was louder then most cars around my city. btw im no longer into that lifestyle im patient but i can only listen to my ol' lady bitch for so long b4 i wanna flip out.. lol
  16. aimone

    help powering saz1500 in house

    so i currently got it hooked to a psu that can barely power it. the psu has a max output of like 450w. i know the amp isnt even puttin out that much power. im wondering if theres a cheap way i can power it so it dont shut off when it just starts to sounding ok. is it possible to daisy chain 2 psu's? any help would be appreciated. btw b4 anyone asks WTF for? because my tranny went out in my car and im goin nuts without my bass. its like stress relief lol. so im bangin from my laptop till i get a car in a month or so
  17. aimone

    help powering saz1500 in house

    thanks alton ill look into the welder thing...... shizzon thats whats up theres a sears like 5 blocks from my house ill check it out for sure get my dad to go halves lol cause he needs a good one
  18. aimone

    Got a noise citation :(

    the reason i was banging at full tilt at a stop light was i was the only one at the light. and it was a really good song lol. like i said i turned it down when the car that happened to be a cop pulled up. alton u made a point about the db meter. i recall hearing if its not over a certain db outside the vehicle its not illegal.
  19. aimone

    help powering saz1500 in house

    well i aint got the cash to go drop on a power supply with that kinda power thats why i was askin about daisy chaining/strapping and i've got a quite a few batts sitting around but our chargers gave out......ill see if i can get a charger 4 cheap on craigslist or sumthing tomorrow when i get paid
  20. aimone

    SA Series Coil Cooling Testing

  21. aimone

    Got a noise citation :(

    i got pulled over bout a month ago cause i was at full tilt at a stop light and a car pulled up behind me. turned it down to where i could see out the rear view and was like ohh fuck!. he pulled me over i said i just got them hooked up and was testing. he gave me a warning and a seat belt ticket and said that as of a few months ago its an arrestable offense for accesivly loud music
  22. aimone

    getting used to fi car audio

    if its daily then yeah after awhile u will get used to it/bored with it. thats when you upgrade duh! lol... once you get that install done start saving for another bl and another amp or a bigger one. or keep your eye out for a good deal or good trade and when u get bored start a new install. i got bored with my rockford power hx2 15 and saz1500d and was gonna sell the sub and try something new but my tranny went out so im getting a newer/smaller car instead lol
  23. aimone

    BL or Q

    arent newer rockford amps only 2ohm stable? could be wrong but i know the 1000w version is
  24. he's doing a blow-thru so the box will be in the bed
  25. aimone

    just getting used to car audio

    if the box is built right and you get ur amp and head unit setup right you should easily be able to keep up with or be louder then the 2 mtx's. especially if you go ported. sealed box's make you lose alot of output. now ur best friend on the otherhand u probably wont be able to touch if his is as loud as it should be. and yes for ur first system this will be very loud. i could only wish i had that quality equip for my first system. i think with the big 3 you should be ok electrical wise. i'd go aahead and get a voltage meter just to be safe